Hahaha No kidding Red Pill Twice! Thats funny, yeah, I did need to take the red pill twice after a undercover op to go back and reach my wife who was so sick and on all kinds of medication with all kinds of side effects that the governing body endorse. As long as you have your prescription we cant say anything about it. That is total bull shit as you know. This religion plays both sides and talks out of both sides of its mouth. How many children died who had a prescription for blood? How many died who had a prescription for a kidney? You can break the sabbath to save a sheep but God dam you if you do to save your own child. They make you sacrifice your child to their authority.
Oh, cannabis is ok now, you got a prescription from "satan's organization" its ok but you can't talk about it, don't tell anyone you use it. We don't talk about our medication here. We don't share our prescriptions from Satan's organization. Hush hush now and keep that to yourself... I had elders offer me prescription drugs when I was drinking beer and shooting pool with them, one who almost disfellowshipped me. Got to love it... You know who you are ;)
Zappa, Anyone who has used it knows, sure I believe you. A cannabis drink worked wonders for my sick wife too but some JW told her she would be attacked by demons if she used cannabis and she stopped and we soon ended up getting divorced after 21 years... thanks to those who truly obey "Satan's org" when it comes to their health.