Please send to me..
Thank you
2020-07-04--and 2020-07 consent and contact form.
direction related to covid-19 pandemic for bodies of eldersgeneral precautionssecular authoritiesmeetingsfield ministryshepherdingtheocratic facilities and congregation recordscongregation expensesjudicial and other serious mattersconventions and assembliesschedule for viewing 2020 convention sessionstheocratic schools-----------------------------------letter 2 is a form to be filled out for:consent and contact details for attendees at the kingdom hallin order to support the nhs test and trace programme, we are taking contact details (name and telephone number) of all visitors, as well as recording the times people have entered and left the kingdom hall.if you are on the email list these letters are already sitting by your tv.
if you are not on the email list, reply below that you want a link put in your pm box.petra!
Please send to me..
Thank you
the following outlines should be presented in the christian life and ministry meeting during the dates specified below.
please assign a qualified elder to apply the material locally.
Please send to me.
Thank you very much!!
atlantis just handed me 18 letters to send out.
we have english and german letters with various topics.. .
Please dont Forget me 🤤
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
Send to me please.
2 letters arrived.. .
2020-06-04--directions relating to covid-19----6 page letter.
Send to me please..
16 german documents and 1 english video arrived.. if you are on the email list these files are already in your email.
just continue with your fried chicken.. if you are not on the email list, reply below and i'll swing by your pm box and leave a download link.. petra!.
don't forget me :-D
1.--authorization and release agreementfor disaster relief medical assistance.
------------------------------------------------------------------2.--for the attention of all elders------------------------------------------------------------------.
3.--additional direction regarding assistance with practical needs------------------------------------------------------------------.
Send to me, please 😅
kermit is delivering documents with his kermit chopper..
if you are on the receive list these documents are already in your email.. .
if your not on the list, then reply below that you want kermit to swing by your place, and drop off a copy in your pm box.. .
Please send to me.
Thanks in advance.
miss piggy was thrown out of the zoom meeting because she was showing to much cleavage.. her way out she grabbed the co's briefcase and gave him the finger. miss piggy jumped into her hot rod and is delivering all the co's secret documents to the neighborhood. you are on the email list, these documents are already in your email.
so just keep eating your buttered popcorn.2020-04-27--broadcasting meetings2020- information notice of broadcasting congregation meetings2020-notice of broadcasting2020-information on broadcasting congregation meetingspetra!.
Please send to me.
Thanks in advance.
friends, atlantis is receiving so much stuff so quickly, it is hard to keep up with it all.. the 2020 may announcements and reminders just came in also.
(s-147-e) in english and german.. if you want those just say so in the replies.. petra!.
Please send to me.
Thanks in advance.