There is no political neutrality here unless we simply don’t respond to 90% of the posts that swing quite obviously to the right. Different opinions are not well tolerated.
In earlier days we were trying to make sense of the Bible and argued for/against various JW points. Now we really don’t bother because most gave up on the Bible and/or god. Those who haven’t lost interest in Bible and/or God quickly learn that they will be openly mocked.
After you get done with religion and are old, and likely balancing your heart medicine with your little blue pills, sex is probably less a distraction so the politics of old white men clearly prevail on this site with sex and religion off the table.
edit to say, the above paragraph should definitely be phrased better, but i think it’s essentially true that sex talk isn’t pc or of much interest and we are kind of over in depth theological discussion. Politics is what’s left.