No, most wont. but most people who think they are inherently superior to the other because of their belief system shut down others as much as their power or ability allows. The WT disassociates people formally and JWs do informally if they don't approve of like the way a discussion makes them feel about themself. They aren't unique in this.
It happens all the time among non-JWs, religious and irreligious people. They imagine that silencing the other will make all their doubts and confusion go will silence the noise in their head. It doesn't work.
Conversation requires give and take. When one side devalues and dehumanizes the other to maintain their world view, they can't listen and they already know they lost.
By the way, the silencer isn't necessarily wrong in their view, but they fear that it will break their world view to hear an opposing or even contrasting view.