Some good news:
We used to enjoy watching the soup, so it came naturally to watch the new show.
So, I watched with PIMI spouse, and he thought they got the video from broadcasting. He thought it was "cute". (OMG I know) Last night while he was pre-indoctrinating himself for the watchtower study, I glanced at his computer screen. I saw a google search with pillowgate trailer being third or forth, and under that jw.borg something (wanted to let him continue to browse, so I glanced away too fast to catch what that next search result was, but it looked like an exjw video). He noticed my glance and put his hands up a bit to cover it...
Yes!!! Thanks Joel McHale!!! I hope we supply more comedy fodder that meets with your standards!!!
I was so excited, but hid my glee from my husband. Maybe he'll tell me "Hey, that video was leaked!"