P.E. Saves paper? I don't see how this could be a trick.
They have been saving paper on time slips for years. It must be 99% that turn their time in via text or phone. People were bragging about it before the iPads were a thing. It was the hip thing to do if you were a publisher or elder. Now it is very rare to have an elder that doesn't take your time via text, and they are getting rid of them. They are letting those elders that don't text off the hook, and other elders are doing that work.
It is definitely a control thing; its gotta be easier to red flag individuals. Algorithms can be set up, and C.O.s can enforce the shepherding calls on such 'weak' ones.
I'm not trying to slam you P.E., I'm just not buying the saving paper reason. At. All. You rock, btw.
Edit: Oh, also, who is going to switch from paper to electric card? The texters will switch from text to on-line, the paper reliant people will need others to fill in the 'electronic' card.