The cold judgmental people that said they loved me. I did all I could, then got sick, really sick and because I wasn't always visible to them, they dropped me like a hot potato. No calls, no help. Wait, after months I got a card from one older man. When I did all I could and made it to a meeting I was shunned by about 30% of the congregation, and love bombed by others. I was trying so hard, and that was when they were just starting all the videos and they were not available on watchtower.borg or jw.borg. My husband and I noticed it was easier to find thing by googling than by using their search engine. So, I googled the convention reminders video because I couldn't go to meeting, and am quite certain I came here! I couldn't just go to youtube, it was sort of a private video. Well, I was shocked at the comments saying the video treated us like children, etc. BUT, then a video on the side was Eric Struggle's apostasy trial. I couldn't turn away and watched the whole thing. Hubby was away and I downed a bottle of wine and got to sleep about 4am (its hours long). I disagreed with everything Eric said, but I didn't forget it; it started the gears turning. Four - six months later I started reading JWfacts and was mentally out in a month. Now I have damning recordings of my own and keep hoping others will record apostasy hearings, elder meetings, elder meetings with COs, elders calling HQ, etc.