"I don't recall them ever using that phrase or anything like it, but I used that same thinking for years while I struggled with doubts. For me, what was going on in my head was this: There are obviously some problems with the doctrine, but Christendom is so much worse (a determination based solely on the cult indoctrination) so where else would I go? Since I was working from the base assumption that the WTS was made up of well-meaning people that hadn't lied to me and were chosen by god, the only conclusion that I could come to was that they were far better than other religions, even if they still had things wrong."
That is exactly what probably many folks think when they learn "the real truth" about the Org. My wife said almost those words exactly OneEyedJoe.
But a brief study of the NWT13 along with the original Greek language bible will show what a sham the NWT13 and essentially the Org is. Then the historicity and scientific accuracy of the bible.
As Inspector Gadget would say, "Yowzerz!!"