I still donate.....invisibility.
I figure the invisible god on his invisible throne with his invisible King and invisible army of invisible angels can better manage invisible money. I'm doing him a favor!!
what do they contribute to humanity?
what do they contribute to any part of society?.
why are people paying for a scam?.
I still donate.....invisibility.
I figure the invisible god on his invisible throne with his invisible King and invisible army of invisible angels can better manage invisible money. I'm doing him a favor!!
i know many jws that state that the watchtower corporation is the 'closest to the truth'.
thus they quiet their cognitive dissonance.. i don't have access to a corporation library any more.
is this a stance that the watchtower corporation has actually claimed?.
"I don't recall them ever using that phrase or anything like it, but I used that same thinking for years while I struggled with doubts. For me, what was going on in my head was this: There are obviously some problems with the doctrine, but Christendom is so much worse (a determination based solely on the cult indoctrination) so where else would I go? Since I was working from the base assumption that the WTS was made up of well-meaning people that hadn't lied to me and were chosen by god, the only conclusion that I could come to was that they were far better than other religions, even if they still had things wrong."
That is exactly what probably many folks think when they learn "the real truth" about the Org. My wife said almost those words exactly OneEyedJoe.
But a brief study of the NWT13 along with the original Greek language bible will show what a sham the NWT13 and essentially the Org is. Then the historicity and scientific accuracy of the bible.
As Inspector Gadget would say, "Yowzerz!!"
i'm running a free giveaway for the ebook version of the great apocalypse (sparlock of the multiverse #1) on amazon until december 11th.. you can get your copy here:.
although i wrote this book for a general audience, there are several features that should be of interest to former jehovah's witnesses.
i know many jws that state that the watchtower corporation is the 'closest to the truth'.
thus they quiet their cognitive dissonance.. i don't have access to a corporation library any more.
is this a stance that the watchtower corporation has actually claimed?.
I've been in for about 20 years and never read the term,"Nearest" to the truth. I've always remembered them referring to themselves as "the truth."
I think many people when coming out of the org think that the wts IS in fact the "Nearest" to the truth when in fact it is the farthest for sure.
but still, they ask for more at every opportunity.
send in that ice cream money kids!.
i have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
Is there ever any end to their pointless B.S.?
My feelings exactly. Who really gives a crap about this useless nonsense? I mean what does it really matter if Jesus saw all the kingdoms or if Satan took him out to lunch beforehand? It's just a fable anyways so how does this affect anyone today?
so i'm reading the book "the atheist book of bible stories" and something just occurred to me.. noahs ark rested on the top of mount ararat.
how the hell did all the land animals, dinosaurs and other monsters get to ground level?
did noah and his family just push them off the mountain and hope for the best?
The book mentions a good point as well. Why were the Angels that had the hots for earth chicks allowed back in heaven after they screwed things up on earth in the first place?
Why did they even have the hots for earth chicks? Weren't they neither male nor female? Did God give them a sex drive??
so i'm reading the book "the atheist book of bible stories" and something just occurred to me.. noahs ark rested on the top of mount ararat.
how the hell did all the land animals, dinosaurs and other monsters get to ground level?
did noah and his family just push them off the mountain and hope for the best?
I have the perfect answer. God miraculously recreated the animals in places such as
South America and Australia. We know how God love to create and destroy.
Seeing as the almighty loves killin stuff you would think he would have a blast making and destroying the innocent animals in all kinds of fun ways. Earthquakes, fireballs, sword wielding Super Angels... Endless entertainment!!
so i'm reading the book "the atheist book of bible stories" and something just occurred to me.. noahs ark rested on the top of mount ararat.
how the hell did all the land animals, dinosaurs and other monsters get to ground level?
did noah and his family just push them off the mountain and hope for the best?
So I'm reading the book "The Atheist book of Bible Stories" and something just occurred to me.
Noahs ark rested on the top of Mount Ararat. How the hell did all the land animals, Dinosaurs and other monsters get to ground level? Did Noah and his family just push them off the mountain and hope for the best?
I can see Noah saying it now, "GTFO!!!"
we have done this before but we have a fair number of newbie's on this site and some are struggling with the question about other belief systems and non belief.
where are you now in your own mind?
here's a quiz http://www.selectsmart.com/nontheism/ that is pretty accurate, at least in my case as to where i am at this point in my life.