His videos were instrumental in helping my wife wake up from the cult.
JoinedPosts by Darkknight757
Poor Llyod
by notsurewheretogo inlook...i've had my beef with lloyd aka cedars and some of the stuff he says or does but equally i respect what he is trying to do and what he has achieved in terms of waking people up.. he intimated he had mental health issues years ago but his video today is brutal...i see pain in his eyes and he is suffering.
his family come first and the man needs to heal.. yes he has issues that many on here see but its not the man that is important but his work.. but the man needs time to heal mentally and i wish he does so.
he deserves that despite the feelings and things that have happened in the past with the exjw community.. he has done so much for the exjw community in general that i hope all give him a little clack and he returns.. if any of us did what he did we may be in the same boat but none of us do...see past the man and see his work but equally the man is suffering and it is pretty sad...i hope he gets better soon.
If Ever GB Members Deserved To Be Thrown in Jail It's When ...
by smiddy3 init was when the governing body started to disfellow-ship jehovah`s witnesses from taking blood transfusions in an effort to save their lives .. resulting in many hundreds if not thousands of needless deaths of men women and children who by this coercion died from this doctrine.. and to this day they still go unpunished .
My micro preemie daughter required multiple transfusions over the 78 days she was in NICU.
We asked the nurse what would have happened if we denied her those life saving transfusions and she said that the courts would have taken her from us.
Unfortunately by the time the legalities were done, it would have been too late.
JW parents need to realize that THEY ALONE made a dumb decision, not their child. That child deserves life. They can make that choice when they get old enough to understand the risks. (Hopefully they will be smarter than their parents😉)
The Crazy World of Online Deliveries
by Simon inyou order something online, and get the notification it's been shipped.. "ooh look, it's only coming from 500 miles away and there's a major route from there to here.
i bet it'll be put on a truck or maybe a train and here in a day or two.
Anony Mous,
Thank you for the tips. Never knew any of that.
The Crazy World of Online Deliveries
by Simon inyou order something online, and get the notification it's been shipped.. "ooh look, it's only coming from 500 miles away and there's a major route from there to here.
i bet it'll be put on a truck or maybe a train and here in a day or two.
Great Teacher
I sold some collectibles on EBay last year and as soon as I made the label, Fed-Ex said that they had delivered. One was to Canada and the other across country in Cali.
Tried to track them and that was no use. Ended up telling the customers to just keep a look out because calling Fed Ex was a complete waste of time. They only know what they see on their computer.
I even asked them how something can go across the country in a matter of seconds and all they could say is that it was delivered.🤔
If Ever GB Members Deserved To Be Thrown in Jail It's When ...
by smiddy3 init was when the governing body started to disfellow-ship jehovah`s witnesses from taking blood transfusions in an effort to save their lives .. resulting in many hundreds if not thousands of needless deaths of men women and children who by this coercion died from this doctrine.. and to this day they still go unpunished .
I wonder how many actually understood at baptism what would happen if they ever defected?
Unitarian Universalist: Anyone Familiar?
by Darkknight757 ini hope you are all doing well.. has anyone had an encounter with a unitarian universalist?
my wife has a friend who invited us to their church a few years ago.
we never went lol.
That sounds like a nice idea from time to time, going somewhere on my own for a sip.
I’ve been trying to get out a little more which can be hard with a 4 yr old at home but the wife has her moms club for social stuff and I still have no outlet.
Church always sounded like a nice place to meet people but not really being religious anymore may make that kind of hard haha.
If Ever GB Members Deserved To Be Thrown in Jail It's When ...
by smiddy3 init was when the governing body started to disfellow-ship jehovah`s witnesses from taking blood transfusions in an effort to save their lives .. resulting in many hundreds if not thousands of needless deaths of men women and children who by this coercion died from this doctrine.. and to this day they still go unpunished .
The mental gymnastics it takes a parent to enforce “no blood” doctrine on their child is astonishing.
The GB should pay out the nose for all those needless deaths.
Also maybe a little for mid-information. 😉
I have come to the conclusion that a lot of JWs don't care if the end is near.
by mickbobcat ini was in the cult for years about 40. fourth gen born in cult member or for me ex cult member.
i have seen so many cult members who don't seem to really care if the end is near or not.
they are much more concerned with the idea that this is their social network and they need and or want it just the way it is.
Black Sheep,
My wife’s family were really good friends with a couple who sold their home prior to 75 and bought an RV to travel and preach the end.
The husband later became a CO, still living in the RV till just a few years ago when they finally just bought a house again.
Guess they finally gave up the idea that the end was near.😂🤣😂
Watchtower Study on 5th December.
by Lost in the fog inthe wt study for this week is all about disfellowshipping.
in an early paragraph it said "think how heartbroken jehovah must have been when members of his own angelic family turned their back on him!".
however when you think about it, when this happened according to the wt teaching, jehovah still engaged with satan in the heavens (book of job) and had conversations with him about what was going on in the earth.. so why do the wt org practice shunning when jehovah god obviously didn't?.
My cousin has a friend who came out to his parents, got df’ed and then the parents kicked him out of the house.
That kind of trauma and abuse did a real number on this young man.
We met him at a Christmas gathering at my dads house and even years later you could see the pain of being rejected by his family.
Watchtower only looks at one side of the issue. They never consider what the evil shunning practice does to the individual receiving it.
Unitarian Universalist: Anyone Familiar?
by Darkknight757 ini hope you are all doing well.. has anyone had an encounter with a unitarian universalist?
my wife has a friend who invited us to their church a few years ago.
we never went lol.
Haha that’s funny. I am also an introvert. I liked the church atmosphere as it helped with my social anxiety.
Thats been the catch-22 of leaving the cult. No more large gatherings on a weekly basis.
Not all bad.
I agree with many church goers being extroverted. Unless they are being forced 😂😂