JoinedPosts by Darkknight757
Try not to laugh at this WBT$ quote!!
by punkofnice infor over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every aspect of life have been presented in the watch tower society's publications - wt 1990 december 15 p 26.
LOL "every aspect of life". Just like the Pharisees in Jesus day. -
Gotta watch the phone calls as well. They may call and try to get something out of you but little do you know that they are on speaker phone and blamo!! 2 witnesses.
Ive seen that personally.
Governing Body Member Geoffrey Jackson's Empathy For Survivors Of Child Abuse Hypocritical
by Brokeback Watchtower inso says the royal commission.
which we all can agree.
his expressed sympathy is a hollow sham and it is the same way with all the governing body's expressions of love and concern for all loyal member captured by their organization into servitude.
Maybe Potatoe Head lost his "sad face".
That guy is such worthless pig. Too busy to read the testimony of a victim shows what a low life he is.
my 2 cents
by SloppyMcFloppy inall religion is flawed because its led by man.
jw is not bad religon if it changed some of its doctrines and thoughts.
if it didnt "shun" members and "worldly people.
You make some nice points but the trouble is is that the NWT bible is a mess which causes many to do a fresh study of the bible. The results of such a study lead many to view the bible in a completely different light and for some that might mean abandoning religion all together.
The WTS won't even change simple teachings that could protect people from predators. Doubt they will ever change. The Governing Body is haughty and very stubborn. Hopefully soon we will see this religion end itself. It's disgusting.
Christopher Hitchens - Christianity is Immoral
by Finkelstein inchristopher hitchens has some insightful thoughts on judaism and christianity from a human sociological perspective .
part 1 .
I've been looking into learning more about paleoanthrpology and was wondering if someone could recommend a book by Mr. Hitchens? I like Dawson but Hitchens seems a bit more reasonable in his approach.
thanks for this thread too. Videos are outstanding!!
Oh my LOL!! -
Jesus Worshipped a Moral Monster
by cofty init has become very common for christians to try to disavow the disgusting ethics of the god of the old testament.. this is a dishonest venture.. the capricious, vengeful deity of israel was "the god and father of our lord jesus christ".. putting aside the damaging things he said and did himself, jesus comes with some worrying history.. gentle jesus meek and mild is inseparable from baby-murdering soldiers of jah.
Jesus was probably nice cause he was scared to death the big man upstairs was going to blast him with herpes or something.
I was reading in the "Atheist book of bible stories" how God evolved through the OT to the NT. Interesting stuff. If Jesus is God in the flesh then he changed quite a bit in a short time.
Why do people just give their money to the Watchtower?
by WireRider inwhat do they contribute to humanity?
what do they contribute to any part of society?.
why are people paying for a scam?.
I still donate.....invisibility.
I figure the invisible god on his invisible throne with his invisible King and invisible army of invisible angels can better manage invisible money. I'm doing him a favor!!
Closest to the truth?
by punkofnice ini know many jws that state that the watchtower corporation is the 'closest to the truth'.
thus they quiet their cognitive dissonance.. i don't have access to a corporation library any more.
is this a stance that the watchtower corporation has actually claimed?.
"I don't recall them ever using that phrase or anything like it, but I used that same thinking for years while I struggled with doubts. For me, what was going on in my head was this: There are obviously some problems with the doctrine, but Christendom is so much worse (a determination based solely on the cult indoctrination) so where else would I go? Since I was working from the base assumption that the WTS was made up of well-meaning people that hadn't lied to me and were chosen by god, the only conclusion that I could come to was that they were far better than other religions, even if they still had things wrong."
That is exactly what probably many folks think when they learn "the real truth" about the Org. My wife said almost those words exactly OneEyedJoe.
But a brief study of the NWT13 along with the original Greek language bible will show what a sham the NWT13 and essentially the Org is. Then the historicity and scientific accuracy of the bible.
As Inspector Gadget would say, "Yowzerz!!"
The Great Apocalypse (Sparlock #1) is Free for a Limited Time
by DT ini'm running a free giveaway for the ebook version of the great apocalypse (sparlock of the multiverse #1) on amazon until december 11th.. you can get your copy here:.
although i wrote this book for a general audience, there are several features that should be of interest to former jehovah's witnesses.
Downloaded. Thanks for the give away!! Can't wait to read this one!