Don't know you too well but your contributions to this message board are awesome and very helpful!!
Thank you!
just want to mention that i just posted my 1000th post on here somewhere a few minutes ago.
i joined back in 2009 and was a mostly a lurker for years and asking occasional questions and occasional statements.
but after a few months of those broadcasts the ''floodgates'' have opened.
Don't know you too well but your contributions to this message board are awesome and very helpful!!
Thank you!
not sure if this was posted before... but apparently for the wt a woman's smaller cranium than a man's shows she was designed to be in submission to the man!!
unbelievable he dared to say such things!.
I told some of the guys at work about Herd's reasoning and they all just laughed.
This is great material for the shop/office to add some humor for the day.
as someone who posts here often says,"You can't make this stuff up!!" LoL
for those that believe in the flood story as genesis says, then they also are forced to accept a huge amount of evolution, way faster than any evolutionist would propose.. from a basic selection of "kinds", to the several millions of land species there are now, and in only about 4000 years.. not to mention the many types of birds that made it to remote islands, and then somehow lost their ability to fly... not even possessing wings( ex- dodo bird, moa).
scientists agree this was a process that took eons of time.. i was thinking of this because we just had a public talk on noah.
i sure couldn't make a fool of myself on that subject, going on how "factual" it all is..
That the great variety of animal life known today could have come from inbreeding within so few “kinds” following the Flood is proved by the endless variety of humankind
So like all the animals had like a huge orgy in the ark? Poor Noah...
Seriously though I can't believe the wts can even come up with articles to support this myth. Why not just say it's a myth or a kids story like the rest of the bible. Geez!
for those that believe in the flood story as genesis says, then they also are forced to accept a huge amount of evolution, way faster than any evolutionist would propose.. from a basic selection of "kinds", to the several millions of land species there are now, and in only about 4000 years.. not to mention the many types of birds that made it to remote islands, and then somehow lost their ability to fly... not even possessing wings( ex- dodo bird, moa).
scientists agree this was a process that took eons of time.. i was thinking of this because we just had a public talk on noah.
i sure couldn't make a fool of myself on that subject, going on how "factual" it all is..
I still say I'd love to be there when Noah punched all those dumbass animals out of the ark on the top of Mount Ararat.
Animal Avalanche!!!
for over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every aspect of life have been presented in the watch tower society's publications - wt 1990 december 15 p 26.
Gotta watch the phone calls as well. They may call and try to get something out of you but little do you know that they are on speaker phone and blamo!! 2 witnesses.
Ive seen that personally.
so says the royal commission.
which we all can agree.
his expressed sympathy is a hollow sham and it is the same way with all the governing body's expressions of love and concern for all loyal member captured by their organization into servitude.
Maybe Potatoe Head lost his "sad face".
That guy is such worthless pig. Too busy to read the testimony of a victim shows what a low life he is.
all religion is flawed because its led by man.
jw is not bad religon if it changed some of its doctrines and thoughts.
if it didnt "shun" members and "worldly people.
You make some nice points but the trouble is is that the NWT bible is a mess which causes many to do a fresh study of the bible. The results of such a study lead many to view the bible in a completely different light and for some that might mean abandoning religion all together.
The WTS won't even change simple teachings that could protect people from predators. Doubt they will ever change. The Governing Body is haughty and very stubborn. Hopefully soon we will see this religion end itself. It's disgusting.
christopher hitchens has some insightful thoughts on judaism and christianity from a human sociological perspective .
part 1 .
I've been looking into learning more about paleoanthrpology and was wondering if someone could recommend a book by Mr. Hitchens? I like Dawson but Hitchens seems a bit more reasonable in his approach.
thanks for this thread too. Videos are outstanding!!