Those at the hall I speak to about apathy witnessing really like it.
The main reason? They don't have to talk to anybody. It's easy time for them.
jehovah's witnesses standing on a street corner publicly promoting the propaganda of the governing body!another ridiculous form of "forced loyalty" to jehovah.
"dirty work" that the wtbts make witnesses go through.preaching work '' lite''.putting more heavy loads on members while the ''faithful and discreet slave'' preach from warm studios without the humiliation.
what an embarrassment!.
Those at the hall I speak to about apathy witnessing really like it.
The main reason? They don't have to talk to anybody. It's easy time for them.
you know how you go to the mid-week meeting & it is all about field service, how you can improve, do more etc.
do you remember how they would say things like..... "you get up brothers & you really don't feel like going out today, you look out of the window & the weathers just not good, then you look in the mirror & you say to yourself, i don't feel so good today.
you know your looking for an excuse not to go cause it's tough to get motivated on your 1 day off.
Landy hit the nail on the head. If you don't go out you get that dirty look from the other Elders like your diseased or something.
This past weeks watchtower was real funny.
That caption of the boy happily walking down the street with his dad.
Dad probably just told him we are going on break. That's the only reason that kid could possibly be so happy. No kid I ever saw was that happy out in service.
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
Good point raised by some indeed, which I forgot to mention: be the best husband you can ever be.
Help your wife with everything, but especially the JW stuff if she wants.
Offer to join her for meetings, or drive her there if needed.
Cook on meeting evening, and clean the house if she is going and you are not.
It's possible your wife needs new reasons to continue loving you, so provide her with as many reasons as you can.
Why? Because (depending on how in your wife is), you are about to destroy her world. You leave her all alone forever in paradise. All alone as a spiritual widow.
She didn't sign up for this shit.
And, if you suddenly don't love God anymore, what about maybe you suddenly leave her???
She will feel insecure and need reassurance. This will be worse if she is born in....
I've always done my best to support our family the best that I can by cooking/cleaning and doing nice things for her and now so more than ever because of the guilt I feel for telling her how I feel about the Wtbts. I think that has been a great help so she doesn't think that I'm abandoning her.
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
Thank you for all the comments.
Basically I told my wife recently that I no longer believe in JW's and I have been slowly showing her why and that has been working very well.
I also told her that I will go to all the meetings with her no problem but not field service. She is also ok with this.
I guess for the time being Ill just keep up the act because I wouldnt want to devastate her by suddenly telling her I don't believe in God.(or at least the God of the bible)
so i was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in god.
for two people who have been jehovahs witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me.
i still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it.
So I was hoping to get some insight on this subject of telling your spouse that you no longer believe in God. For two people who have been Jehovahs Witnesses for 20 years together, talking about this seems to be real hard for me. I still pray with my wife before meals but that's about it. I haven't had a personal prayer to God in months because I no longer believe in the existence of God.
Have any of you on the board had this discussion and how did you approach it?
anyone else find it odd that jws don't do new year's resolutions?
i have never read anything about it in any wt publication.
yet, it is like some unwritten rule.
It's a good question to be sure. I've always thought that because the New Years festivities were frowned upon that making resolutions would just naturally be also.
anyways according to the j-dubs, New Years is actually September.
anyone else find it odd that jws don't do new year's resolutions?
i have never read anything about it in any wt publication.
yet, it is like some unwritten rule.
From WOL
"New Year’s Celebrations. The date and customs associated with New Year’s celebrations vary from one country to another. Regarding the origin of this celebration, The World Book Encyclopedia states: “The Roman ruler Julius Caesar established January 1 as New Year’s Day in 46 B.C. The Romans dedicated this day to Janus, the god of gates, doors, and beginnings. The month of January was named after Janus, who had two faces—one looking forward and the other looking backward.” So New Year’s celebrations are founded on pagan traditions."
So in short, it's bad like everything else so no resolutions because that would be like participating in "new beginnings".
to all congregations.
re: new songs for memorial.
dear brothers:.
Man more new songs? Hope they don't suck like the last few.
Who am I kidding? They will LOL
for a long time, i've been moving into a place of utmost hope and faith.
universal reconciliation.
as a converted jw - i began my conversion with the joy that there is a hope for something we all would love - a world where each of us sees our fellow kind as a true brother.. i don't think that's an unhealthy way to live.. but - i'm living with the effects of corruptive thinking from a 'sect' - a divisive sect and judgemental sect that has hurt my sense of self.. it's terribly painful to have completely believed one thing, and then completely believe something else.... well that's how it feels to me.. i've read of some here who were jws for years, then became devout born agains for years and now are confirmed atheists.. wow.. how do you cope with the frivolous nature of your 'beliefs' - beliefs that were 'truths' for you in their own time.. i'm struggling - anyone else?.
Bonsai said it beautifully. Keep learning about life and let go of those false hopes. Just because there is no "paradise" doesn't mean you can't enjoy the gift of life that you have now!!
Do good onto others and be good to yourself. Study about the origins of life and how amazing it truly is. Always keep your eyes focused forward. Don't look back.
stil no 2016 yearbook on, due to my fade i forgot the normal publishing date.
do you remember when the yearbook was released?
i'm just curious about the 2015 publisher data.