Anytime I think about J.W. meetings I remember the quote from Madagascar 2.
"Sorry do you mind going back, this is 1st class, it's nothing personal it's just that we are better than you"
- King Julian
"the way you walked was thorny, through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end.
now you will have peace for eternity.
" -- maleva, the wolf man.
Anytime I think about J.W. meetings I remember the quote from Madagascar 2.
"Sorry do you mind going back, this is 1st class, it's nothing personal it's just that we are better than you"
- King Julian
the needle has been stuck on the record for over 130 years - thanks to mr. russell and his successive cohorts:.
page 11, paragraph 19 - “as this system nears its end,....”.
page 13, paragraph 5 - “do my actions show that i truly believe that these are the last days and that the end of satan’s rule is near?”.
"A WORLD does not end every day! Not since the great flood of Noah’s time has a “world” or system of things for governing the affairs of all mankind passed out of existence. But now, by occurrence of every detail of the great sign Jesus gave, we know that we face the imminent end of the present world system"
- Watchtower 1st December 1952 (p709)
Just as others have said it is easier to get scared sheep to do what they are told.
ive asked my jw friends that 3 times and never got an answer.. and can someone explain the jw class system?
and or point me to info on it..
So it used to be thousands of people (All anointed on earth) then it became 7 (The GB) Somebody miscounted big time. So I would take any other numbers they come up with, with a large pinch of salt.
my jw wife, like all of us, was saddened by the senseless killings in nevada.
she said, "the shootings just shows how much we need god's kingdom.
" i replied, "yes if it was armageddon, jehovah wouldn't have left any survivors.
Imagine two non J.W. twins are crossing the street, they are the same in every way. One gets killed when struck by a car, he will be resurrected into a paradise. Five seconds later armageddon starts and God destroys the other twin, he is gone forever. Something is not right with that belief. Getting everlasting life would depend on who stepped into the road first! (Or second)
a friend of mine has contacts to a family with several circuit overseers and special pioneers.
they have good connections to bethel.. he told me that the latest rumor from bethel states that the cos should be abolished in their present form.
they have also recently begun to take cos back to bethel.. over the same channel i have already heard of the car fleet program and that the dos should be abolished.. has anyone else already heard of it?
I think what will happen is that the C.O. will still visit each congregation twice a year but he will do so invisibly. There will be lots of evidence of C.O. realities proving that he has actually visited the congregation, and of course hard cash will still be required, for his invisible upkeep.
we all know of the well used scripture that speaks of "a three-fold cord" in marriage.. sure, it is meant to indicate that any marriage that has "god" in it as the foundation of the couple's life will be successful.
but how often have we noticed that what it really means for witnesses is that the society, or the gb has the right to be an unwelcome and nosey intruder in the lives of couples.
every decision that family unit makes is influenced by the organisation.
Good old king David must have had a 19 fold cord what with his 8 wives and a least 10 concubines.
1.if the parents were to have no contact with there grown daughter why was she still in the house,?
there were also not supposed to grieve like aarons household yet they appeared to be grieving.
3. aaron case is different in that his entire family was not included in the no grieving?
Guess they cannot find anything in the New Testament to support the shunning doctrine so they mangle some Old Testament account. It is rather strange that God consumed or devoured Aaron's sons with fire and then three verses later they were carried away in there robes! Possibly they were wearing some kind of asbestos clothing. Never mind, some think that this ancient story is good enough to make you override your conscience and stop you answering a call from you own daughter/son whose life might be in danger. Help!
i was told this when i was an aspiring jw, aka unbaptized publisher.
the above explanation didn't make sense to me then and it never did make sense throughout my jw career.
over time, it appeared to me the real purpose of field service time reporting was to gauge one's spirituality and for the ceo *cough* co to make sure the elders were on top of things during his visit..
I do not know how recording hours spent standing by a cart speaking to no one can be a measure of anything, except compliance with man made rules. Of course helping the elderly or any kind of real caring for others is not recorded, hence to expression "I can't visit that old sick sister/brother I need to get my time in" .
september 11, 2017 to all congregations in the united states re: global assistance arrangement for the 2018 service year.
So just thinking about the USA, a recent video talked about 4 congregations sharing 1 kingdom hall with about 100 publishers each. So that is 400 x $14 for the GAA or $5600 received for just one hall.
a fair bit of time was spent discussing the (one) scripture in the bible that "proves" that when the bible touches on scientific subjects, it is absolutely correct.
this was at the most recent clam meeting this past week.
from isaiah, the reference to the "circle" of the earth.
There is a Hebrew word for ball, it used at Isaiah 22:18. Why not use that to describe the earth instead of using a word that just goes along with the incorrect idea of the time.