That there was a dude named Jesus who had a following in the First Century, there is no doubt. It's nearly unanimous, even amongst critical scholars. (See this excellent article on the subject: )
However, there exists no proof other than anecdotes that Jesus was anything but a charismatic teacher.
Now, on to the subject of God.
The lack of evidence of his existence is not proof that there is no God. However, it is also not proof that there is one either.
So, in a case like that, how do you reconcile this issue with a black and white view of things?
Good question and interesting perspective.
As someone with Asperger's, how do you feel about just not knowing the answer?
I have found that I'm okay with unanswered questions. It would be unrealistic for me to expect for all of my existential questions to be answered in my lifetime when much smarter individuals came and went over the centuries and they still had questions.