HAHA! wifibandit
He DOES look like John Oliver.
angus stewart's facial expression says what he thinks about rodney spink's prevarication.... .
HAHA! wifibandit
He DOES look like John Oliver.
i have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
I just have to say, I had lunch last week with Perry and his wife, and they're some really great, down to earth folks.
So, though I currently disagree with Perry on existential issues, that doesn't mean I'm gonna belittle his perspective.
Forum Perry is completely different that IRL Perry.
i'm revisiting an old topic here, but this was a subject of much confusion for me when i was still a witness.
i went to a spanish congregation in the u.s. and it seemed to be taken for granted by most that you needed to cook beef thoroughly to "get rid" of the blood.
i was surprised when i learned that folks in the english speaking hall would order a steak medium-rare and think nothing of it.. it wasn't until after i left the witnesses that it started to occur to me that if the red fluid that was present when you'd cut the beef was blood, cooking it thoroughly wouldn't get rid of it, it'd just cook it and transform it into another color.
A hamburger cooked to medium is really hard for me to pass up. I know it's living dangerously, but what's the worst that can happen in a first world country? I lose a few pounds because I get sick?
Do you know how often I fantasize about getting a tape worm for a while so I can lose some weight?
vincent toole has a history of stating blatant untruths in order to protect the wt.. he is recorded as once saying that shunning was "a myth".. i wonder how linguistically pedantic will he get, and how much double-speak will he employ in order to defend the current wt policies.
my guess is he will try to twist the senior counsel in knots with wordy responses, in the hope they will simply run out of time.. if this fails then i'm expecting some howlers of deception..
Will Vincent Toole speak the truth to the Royal commission?
Is the Pope Jewish?
i've been toying with the idea of just coming out and posting my name and location as an attempt to be available to locals that secretly browse the forum that have known me for up to 25 years.
( "reaching out", so to speak ).
i'm not da'd or df'd, so this most certainly could end in a dramatic confrontation.
Damn. You rock, bro.
Not sure why someone would click "dislike" on someone standing up for what is right.
(Oops. Looks like that was me.)
i'm revisiting an old topic here, but this was a subject of much confusion for me when i was still a witness.
i went to a spanish congregation in the u.s. and it seemed to be taken for granted by most that you needed to cook beef thoroughly to "get rid" of the blood.
i was surprised when i learned that folks in the english speaking hall would order a steak medium-rare and think nothing of it.. it wasn't until after i left the witnesses that it started to occur to me that if the red fluid that was present when you'd cut the beef was blood, cooking it thoroughly wouldn't get rid of it, it'd just cook it and transform it into another color.
simply amazing to watch.
the restraint shown by the judge and lawyer is breath-taking.
i'm sure they would like to pummel these idiots with a sledge-hammer, but they choose words instead.
Notice the look on his face every time he says, "I don't recall"?
If this was taking place in my home state, I would seriously track the guy down and knock that smirk off his face.
What is so funny about this situation? What is so funny about being a pillar of the congregation, a hiding place from the rainstorm, and not being able to recall something as serious as this?
My father has been a COBE (P.O.) for around 30 years, and he remembers EVERYTHING. I put my Dad on a pedestal, and maybe he is exceptional when it comes to elders and their memories, but still. This is ridiculous.
Their congregation should demand they step down due to incompetence and looking like buffoons while giving a piss-poor defense of the good news.
so i have not reported a single hour of fs or family worship in over 8 months.
have not given a single comment in a meeting for over a year.
a few weeks ago, my brother in law, who is an ms now, approached me.
Tell the COBE and School overseer that you would like to speak to them about a very sensitive subject. Privately tell them that you are having anxiety issues and would like to "temporarily" step down from the school. Tell them that you are currently getting treatment for the anxiety, but for now, you need to focus on your mental health and need to be humble about your circumstances and recognize your limitations, but that you are also embarrassed and would appreciate their confidentiality.
That's what I did. They offered sympathy and some "comforting" scriptures and said that I should take all the time I need and let them know when I am ready again.
i just sent this email to angus stewart:.
i hope this email finds you well.
i would like to say thank you for your work on the royal commission, particularly in your handling of the jehovah's witnesses elders and experts during questioning.
i have not meet all atheists, and it would be foolish for me to assume that all atheists, share the same prototypical view points.
i am inclined to feel that this classifies the views of a large percentage of atheists.
"atheism is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities.
Your logic is crappy is not an insult?
In hindsight, she probably should have said, "poopy." It's much more polite.