Car bombs were illegal and banned when OKC happened.
Crazy people find ways around laws.
The only thing banning firearms will do is keep sane and law-abiding people from owning them. The crazies and criminals will still find a way.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Car bombs were illegal and banned when OKC happened.
Crazy people find ways around laws.
The only thing banning firearms will do is keep sane and law-abiding people from owning them. The crazies and criminals will still find a way.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
That is the GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE, which allows any bubba, psycho, felon, gang-banger, or ISIS inspired zealot to obtain legally, in 33 of the 50 states, to buy a semi-auto weapon PLUS all the ammo rounds you want, thrown in.
Virtually all of the people selling guns at Gun Shows are FFL dealers and still have to perform the background check.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Wow.....the pro-gun contigent here is on hair trigger defense mode.
Because we're tired of something that is an issue with America's mental health system being turned into an issue about guns.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
I read that he shot himself and is in a critical condition. Hopefully his self-inflicted injuries will prove fatal.
Hopefully they EVENTUALLY prove fatal...but not yet. He doesn't deserve it that easy.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
"...people in America shoot each other..."
SMH People all over the world shoot each other. This isn't an American problem. You just hear about it more often because the American media has the motto, "if it bleeds, it leads."
me personally.....i think....if it was meant to be mixed would come in the bottle that way.. that said...bacardi gold.
Old Fashioned for me.
I was drinking Old Fashioneds before they were cool again.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
so, i have recently been delving in buddhism and i must say it all makes sense!
like, the philosophies and ideas are what i've always believed but could never put a name to.
for example, they don't believe in god, they teach acceptance of all faiths, that peace can be achieved - not by changing other people - but by changing yourself, that everyone has goodness in themselves, that happiness can be gained internally (not externally as a gift from god), and that life is temporary so we should enjoy it!
Cofty's comment is exactly why I say I'm a secular buddhist, if people ask me.
I agree with the tenets of the philosophy...but I don't agree with the supernatural stuff the traditional buddhists believe in.