Just admit it - you have been fed a diet of fear and paranoia all your life and you are afraid and having a gun makes you feel safer.
I can't speak for Wingcommander, but no, having a gun does not make me feel safer. It doesn't make me feel less safe either.
I have a gun because I don't like eating factory farmed meat. I love wild game, and it's the most natural, organic meat you can find.
I can take my rifle and in a weekend, get enough wild pork to last me 6 months or more.
One deer will last my family 3-4 months.
Yes, I can hunt with bow & arrow, but a rifle is more effective for my purposes: filling the freezer.
I like having a pistol, because if I make a slight error in aim, the animal deserves a coup de grace and firing a rifle slug at point blank range is more dangerous than a pistol.
I don't keep a gun under my pillow and cower at night in fear of hypothetical home invaders.
Just like I don't keep a screwdriver under my pillow in case the need should arise that I have to fix something in the middle of the night.
Just like a screwdriver, my guns are kept in their place, secure, but ready to be accessed when the time arises that I need the right tool.
Oh, and I don't (currently) own an AR15 or similar rifle. But I'm not opposed to them, because the bullets they fire are no more dangerous. In fact, the bullet an AR15 fires (.223) is a varmint (small game) round. I wouldn't shoot a deer with it...it'd be inhumane.
.270 all the way.