Seriously, they were hero's. It shows what training can accomplish. If there were 10 amateurs with handguns I suspect there would be 20 dead people instead.
Though that last sentence was hyperbole, I do agree that training is important.
I train, along with many other gun zombies, at the local range.
I am also of the opinion, that in order to own a gun, you shouldn't necessarily have to be licensed, but at least have a certification that you've been through some type of approved training course on safety and etiquette.
For example: in many states, Texas included, in order to get a hunting license, you must have been through an approved hunter safety course. Why the hell can't we have the same thing for gun ownership? It's not a license, it's just a certification that you've been through the course and passed it.
However, in no way does my having that stance jive with supporting an outright ban.