Can you may be avoid the calls citing busy work day?
That's what I'm doing this week. Ignoring all calls/texts from family.
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Can you may be avoid the calls citing busy work day?
That's what I'm doing this week. Ignoring all calls/texts from family.
i appreciate the work of the u.n.. jw appreciate and share the values of the u.n. too.. jw-attorneys submit country reports to the human rights committee.
next session of the hrc will be from 9 october - 6 november 2015 in geneve, switzerland.. human rights committee .
Article 18 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948.
Interesting that an organization that supports the psychological abuse of members who decide to change their religion or belief also has dealings with Human Rights organizations that condemn that activity.
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Maybe it takes a special sort of courage and wisdom to be the bigger person.
I just want to burn the bridge and be done with it. I have tried so many times to salvage the relationship.
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
for people who already are bedazzled by the current stream of information about watchtower / real estate planning, renovation and the emergency stop on the building programma called out, i found today that the renovation design of the (impressive!
) toledo buildings for the watchtower real estate staff, is designed by a state of the art designer.
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have JW's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.
90% of my week is virtually stress free. Then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
Every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.
Why can't I tell her to fk off? I'm so tired of dealing with this BS.
My mother is a very toxic individual and I don't know how to tell her we don't want anything to do with her anymore. All I have the guts for is just ignoring her. But then she sends my Dad or sister to make small talk and then say, "Oh, by the way, mom would like to Facetime with the kids." Gee, thanks guys. I thought you were calling me because you were thinking about me, not because Mom was getting ignored, so she sends her flying monkeys.
At this point, I want to disassociate so I can be openly apostate in front of them and maybe they'll cut off contact. But knowing my luck, I'd just wake them up, and then still have the same problem of dealing with a narcissistic manipulator and being too much of a coward to tell her to STFU.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Qualitatively and philosophically is there any difference between my psychosis and theism?
I loved that!
first person to say, "this scishow episode is a monsanto conspiracy," is a rotten egg..
If they were so safe and so wonderful, the company wouldn't need to operate like the stazi and lobby politicians so hard. Surely market forces would ensure their success?
If people weren't so irrational about their opposition to GMO's, do you think that there would be a need for the lobbying to begin with?
Also, I see the Cold War equivalent of Godwin's law has made an appearance.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
It's like the theists didn't even read that Carl Sagan article OTWO posted above.
It makes some extremely good points
first person to say, "this scishow episode is a monsanto conspiracy," is a rotten egg..
Let's review...It's a cult!