JoinedPosts by cappytan
I hope the letter about deleting the Theocratic school is true.
by John Aquila inyesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
Awesome job! When the announcement comes they'll be very confused. -
S*** JW Parents Say
by Dissonant15 inmy mom especially had some go-to phrases that to this day echo in my head and piss me off.
things like, .
"don't get mad at me for enforcing the rules, because jehovah made them, so if you don't like it, you're disrespecting him.
This is something I heard a Governing Body member say at a KH dedication talk in a US/Mexico bordertown when I was younger, "If you think Jehovah's Witnesses don't have the truth, you might as well go out to that bridge and jump off. You'd be better off." My mother repeated it often the few years after that talk when referring to bible studies that weren't progressing.
That statement stuck with me, and was part of the reason I contemplated suicide when waking up...I thought I would be better off and that Jehovah would forgive my sins if I was dead instead of leaving the truth.
Why are GMO's bad?
by cappytan in
first person to say, "this scishow episode is a monsanto conspiracy," is a rotten egg..
The fact of the matter was that anti-GMO folks use non-scientific scare tactics about health as their primary means of activism. And then, when confronted with empirical data that GMO's are just as safe as non-GMOs, they turn to the anti-corporation argument.
...sometimes it is not about the science and no amount of data can convince people.
That statement right there is very telling, and why I keep referring to the anti-GMO crowd as a cult.
My sister watched one documentary on Netflix and decided to become anti-GMO. I asked her if she watched anything telling the other side of the story. She goes, "This told both sides! It was a documentary!"
Of course, she's a JW cult member, so she's prone to being deceived, but still, that's why most vocal opponents of GMO's are anti-GMO. Because they read a couple sensational articles on about them, or they watched one documentary on Netflix and then made up their minds based off of biased information.
I'm a coward.
by cappytan insince the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
We have been setting hard boundaries for quite a while. My Dad gets it. He backs off. My mom, on the other hand, plays the victim any time we give her any push back.
I'm at my wits end when it comes to trying for a peaceful resolution to all this. My mother, though, keeps poking the bear, feeling entitled.
It's time to end the relationship, but I just can't bring myself to do it.
I'm a coward.
by cappytan insince the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Can you may be avoid the calls citing busy work day?
That's what I'm doing this week. Ignoring all calls/texts from family.
U.N. United Nations Human Rights Committee and Jehovahs Witnesses have ongoing relationship
by TheWonderofYou ini appreciate the work of the u.n.. jw appreciate and share the values of the u.n. too.. jw-attorneys submit country reports to the human rights committee.
next session of the hrc will be from 9 october - 6 november 2015 in geneve, switzerland.. human rights committee .
Article 18 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948.
Interesting that an organization that supports the psychological abuse of members who decide to change their religion or belief also has dealings with Human Rights organizations that condemn that activity.
I'm a coward.
by cappytan insince the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Maybe it takes a special sort of courage and wisdom to be the bigger person.
I just want to burn the bridge and be done with it. I have tried so many times to salvage the relationship.
I'm a coward.
by cappytan insince the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
P.S. The only reason I haven't disassociated yet is because my wife isn't ready and wants me to wait. -
Watchtower Toledo buildings renovation designed by STATE-OF-THE-ART designer office
by Gorbatchov infor people who already are bedazzled by the current stream of information about watchtower / real estate planning, renovation and the emergency stop on the building programma called out, i found today that the renovation design of the (impressive!
) toledo buildings for the watchtower real estate staff, is designed by a state of the art designer.
As far as I know, they plan to get rid of Tuxedo after Warwick is built. That means they spent all that money on an expensive designer to renovate those offices, because they knew they'd make more money when they flipped it and sold it. -
I'm a coward.
by cappytan insince the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have JW's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.
90% of my week is virtually stress free. Then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
Every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.
Why can't I tell her to fk off? I'm so tired of dealing with this BS.
My mother is a very toxic individual and I don't know how to tell her we don't want anything to do with her anymore. All I have the guts for is just ignoring her. But then she sends my Dad or sister to make small talk and then say, "Oh, by the way, mom would like to Facetime with the kids." Gee, thanks guys. I thought you were calling me because you were thinking about me, not because Mom was getting ignored, so she sends her flying monkeys.
At this point, I want to disassociate so I can be openly apostate in front of them and maybe they'll cut off contact. But knowing my luck, I'd just wake them up, and then still have the same problem of dealing with a narcissistic manipulator and being too much of a coward to tell her to STFU.