Racism, anyone? You really get to hear some strange things here! Come on, tell us about how Afro-Americans are, or whites, or redskins, etc.
I'm hispanic. That is not racism. "Hispanic" isn't a race. It has to do with your cultural upbringing.
You can be pure blond hair, blue eyed Spaniard and be considered Hispanic. You can be pure blood Mayan and be considered Hispanic.
People who say "RACISM" when referring to bigotry against the hispanic culture are either uneducated morons who have no idea what the definition of the words "race" and "hispanic" are, or they're the typical drama queen race baiters that like to turn everything into a controversy.
(P.S. What he said about the education level amongst a majority of Hispanics is true...it's not racism. In fact, because I'm Hispanic and am saying it, there's no way it can even be classified as bigotry. The most you can say is that I'm mistaken about my impression of the statistics. And if I am, I will accept that I am mistaken. You need to watch the PC Police episode of South Park from a couple weeks ago.)