You aren't PC, bro? I'm PC. Why aren't you PC?
JoinedPosts by cappytan
Removed from JW.ORG: Warwick Photo Gallery 3 (January Through April 2015)
by wifibandit inthe warwick gallery #1 and gallery #2 are still up.. i have #3 backed up:
also pulled: .
wallkill photo gallery 2.
Printing Company to Video Production Company - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul inmany people think that wt is a publishing company and at one time that was true.
however, they are slowly fading that out into more digital publications.
we all have come to the conclusion that printed material from the wt is going way of the dinosaur.
Broad Casting
Is that anything like dwarf tossing?
Printing Company to Video Production Company - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul inmany people think that wt is a publishing company and at one time that was true.
however, they are slowly fading that out into more digital publications.
we all have come to the conclusion that printed material from the wt is going way of the dinosaur.
I HAVE heard that smaller branches are having the Bethelites eat Breakfast and watch Morning Worship in their rooms.
I know they're starting down that road at Brooklyn. You now have the option of watching Gilead Graduation (which was unofficially a requirement to attend) in your room. I saw pics on instagram of "viewing parties" at one of my friend's rooms in Brooklyn.
Printing Company to Video Production Company - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul inmany people think that wt is a publishing company and at one time that was true.
however, they are slowly fading that out into more digital publications.
we all have come to the conclusion that printed material from the wt is going way of the dinosaur.
I've also heard it rumored that you will soon be able to watch morning worship live from your own home.
The Rank & File? Or the Bethelites would be able to from their room?
If they allow the Rank & File to watch morning worship, that's going to be great for apostates. Some of the craziest stuff is said at morning worship.
Printing Company to Video Production Company - Insider Information
by thedepressedsoul inmany people think that wt is a publishing company and at one time that was true.
however, they are slowly fading that out into more digital publications.
we all have come to the conclusion that printed material from the wt is going way of the dinosaur.
The thing is, they're still very much amateurs at it.
A video production company I once worked with produced 39 complete 30 minute nationally televised episodes a year including videography, editing and writing. We also produced hundreds of other videos that could be classified as "short form content." We were 6 people.
Bethel isn't even nearing the production volume we 6 people could crank out.
Warwick, What is it good for?
by freemindfade inabsolutely nothing.... has anyone dared ask what they need this place for?
think about a few things.
in bethels hay day, there was a shit ton of literature being printed, they even need a giant factory with elevators a truck could fit in.
I hear they WILL. That is where they will be after they leave Brooklyn, before Warwick is ready.
THAT'S probably a big reason for the personnel downsizing.
No room for them! There would have been plenty of room if Warwick was completed on time.
I hope the letter about deleting the Theocratic school is true.
by John Aquila inyesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
Racism, anyone? You really get to hear some strange things here! Come on, tell us about how Afro-Americans are, or whites, or redskins, etc.
I'm hispanic. That is not racism. "Hispanic" isn't a race. It has to do with your cultural upbringing.
You can be pure blond hair, blue eyed Spaniard and be considered Hispanic. You can be pure blood Mayan and be considered Hispanic.
People who say "RACISM" when referring to bigotry against the hispanic culture are either uneducated morons who have no idea what the definition of the words "race" and "hispanic" are, or they're the typical drama queen race baiters that like to turn everything into a controversy.
(P.S. What he said about the education level amongst a majority of Hispanics is's not racism. In fact, because I'm Hispanic and am saying it, there's no way it can even be classified as bigotry. The most you can say is that I'm mistaken about my impression of the statistics. And if I am, I will accept that I am mistaken. You need to watch the PC Police episode of South Park from a couple weeks ago.)
S*** JW Parents Say
by Dissonant15 inmy mom especially had some go-to phrases that to this day echo in my head and piss me off.
things like, .
"don't get mad at me for enforcing the rules, because jehovah made them, so if you don't like it, you're disrespecting him.
(Just an FYI, that Governing Body member was Lyman Swingle.) -
I hope the letter about deleting the Theocratic school is true.
by John Aquila inyesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
Ray Franz was in the Spanish congregation. ;) -
Does Anyone Still Believe in God?
by LaurenM indo any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
To me it seems like "God dun it" it a simpler theory than the ones biochemistry offer me.
If one thinks that a creator God is "simple," they've got another thing coming.