JoinedPosts by cappytan
Cult or Religion
by Richard C B inwhat is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
Prediction: Richard will be back on this forum in a few years saying, " were so right and I was so wrong." -
Cult or Religion
by Richard C B inwhat is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
Poor kid. I was him once.
Hey Richie: not all on here are disfellowshipped. I am the son of an elder, served at Patterson bethel for a time. I am not disfellowshipped or disassociated. I have simply stopped going to the meetings. The only way I could keep family talking to us is by moving more than 1,000 miles away and pretending to be a JW when they call.
Cult or Religion
by Richard C B inwhat is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
Richard C B: What would happen to you if you decided being a JW wasn't the path for you? Would you be able to leave with all your familial relationships and friendships intact?
Here's an example of how the religion of my birth is a cult: "All of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not." - Nov. 15, 2013 Watchtower
The only difference between Jim Jones and the Governing Body is that Jim Jones wanted people to drink the kool-aid and die, whereas the Governing Body wants you to refuse a blood transfusion and die.
Familiarize yourself with the identifying marks of a "High Control Group," known as the B.I.T.E. model.
Cult or Religion
by Richard C B inwhat is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
Londo111's systematic destruction of the"I am not a crook""We are not a cult" article on JW dot ORG should be it's own thread. That was beautiful. -
Make sure you CLAM up before you go to the CLAM beeting. Otherwise, you might say something apostate. -
Stargate SG1: False Gods, False Religion
by JWchange inhas anyone watched this scifi series?
has it helped anyone wake up to ttatt?
i woke up many years ago, however this incredible series reinforces my beliefs about religion.
The Borg is the Go'auld! -
An 11-year-old boy is in custody for murder for shooting and killing an eight-year-old neighbour girl with a shotgun . . .
by nicolaou in.
because she would not show him her puppies.. nobody has to tell you what country this happened in, you already know.. source.
I take your point about the criminal element Duggan typifies LUHE but the difference in the UK is that society isn't saturated with weapons to the point where anyone with the smallest grievance can start shooting.
I agree with this assessment.
Unfortunately, the level of firearm proliferation of in the U.S. would render any kind of sweeping ban on possession unenforceable. Sales would be easier to enforce. But, as I mentioned, the vast majority of privately owned firearms in the U.S. are not registered. Constitutionally, a police officer would have to have probable cause or a warrant to go into a home and search it for firearms.
Criminals and unstable crazies that have guns would still have their guns after the ban and you wouldn't know about their guns until after they've done something grave with them.
An 11-year-old boy is in custody for murder for shooting and killing an eight-year-old neighbour girl with a shotgun . . .
by nicolaou in.
because she would not show him her puppies.. nobody has to tell you what country this happened in, you already know.. source.
Why someone disliked FMF's post, I don't know. Do you disagree with the facts and analysis?
If so, speak up.
An 11-year-old boy is in custody for murder for shooting and killing an eight-year-old neighbour girl with a shotgun . . .
by nicolaou in.
because she would not show him her puppies.. nobody has to tell you what country this happened in, you already know.. source.
But lots of gun crime occurs when it's the case of an illegal weapon too.
Is a gun ban really practical and how will it be policed and enforced?This is a very good point.
If you want to eliminate mass rampage shootings in the US like the recent Oregon attack, yes, a gun ban could and likely would drastically reduce their occurrence since many times the rampage shooter seems to acquire his weapons in the days or months leading up to the attack.
However, this would not end gun violence across the board and won't necessarily end rampage killings as a simple google search can show you how to make black powder from common household and hardware store items. The powder can then be made into an IED. America has a problem with crazy people, and crazy people will find a way.
There are over 300 million guns (and thats a very conservative estimate) owned by private citizens in the U.S. Only a small percentage of them are registered. It would be virtually impossible to collect them all and confiscate them all. At best, only upstanding law-abiding citizens would turn them in. The criminal element, of which a vast majority of gun deaths are attributed to, would have no reason to turn in their arms. And the extreme whack-job anti-government white supremacists wouldn't likely turn theirs in either.
300 million+ guns, 11,000+ gun deaths in 2013. If a separate gun was used for each death, only 0.004% of private citizen's guns were used. In other words, 99.996% of guns owned by Americans were not used to kill anyone.
Gun crimes, especially mass killings, get a lot of press and cause a lot of emotions. And the victims of those crimes deserve justice.
But the stats just don't back up the claim that the cause and reason those crimes were committed was because of a gun culture. If that were true, the number of deaths would be a lot higher.
An 11-year-old boy is in custody for murder for shooting and killing an eight-year-old neighbour girl with a shotgun . . .
by nicolaou in.
because she would not show him her puppies.. nobody has to tell you what country this happened in, you already know.. source.
This is a topic for another thread, but I sincerely believe that Russia could have defeated Germany on its own. In fact, they contributed more to the war effort on the German front than the US did.
However, without the US keeping Japan busy, it likely would have been a different story.