For those interested in an in-depth breakdown of the Kahn empire, you have to give Dan Carlin's Hardcore History's "Wrath of the Kahns" a listen.
It's fascinating. Great stuff, especially if you have a long commute.
genghis khan: the leader of an empire twice the size of alexander the greats greek empire and four times that of the roman empire.
stretching from china to russia.
brutal and yet also revolutionary in its law making and society.
For those interested in an in-depth breakdown of the Kahn empire, you have to give Dan Carlin's Hardcore History's "Wrath of the Kahns" a listen.
It's fascinating. Great stuff, especially if you have a long commute.
in this video the popular saudi cleric sheik yahya al-jana discusses the joys of paradise, saying that men will have the strength of a hundred men in paradise and will be busy tearing hymens, while the virgins of paradise, whose breasts are like pomegranates, become virgins every time again.. the cleric also explains it is mostly men who enter paradise noting that women in general are bad because they refuse to wear the veil, they wear tight clothes in shopping malls, put on perfume and jewelry, and use filthy social media platforms.
source.... this is what young men from conservative muslim families are raised on.
is it any wonder islamic countries treat women appallingly?.
did you notice the firearms that the right wingers had?
And, incredibly, not a single one of those legally carried firearms went off!
Also, the right-wingers didn't throw tampons, jars of urine or anything of that nature.
Footnote: I'm not endorsing open carry demonstrations like the one above because I think it does more to hurt the message than help it. However, what they did was completely legal.
Also, I feel that protests like these on both sides are counter-productive. They give the appearance that those that side with an issue one way or another are loons...nut jobs...
Most rational people can hold a position on an issue without resorting to extreme tactics like the ones above.
ok , the new james bond theme .
is it really a bond theme ?
i'm not sure , no mention of the film title , no nod to bond at all .
No opinions on the theme yet .
I still haven't seen or heard it yet. Looked on YouTube this morning, but didn't come across it.
so i've been pretty good at not going to meetings lately.
yesterday i went for the co's last talks.
older co. his last talk was absolutely shocking.
Disgusting...but far from surprised at this tactic the CO used.
Oh and a big welcome to Cota Samuel...I hope this forum helps you to cope and shed some of those negative feelings. It truly is cathartic to vent here.
ok , the new james bond theme .
is it really a bond theme ?
i'm not sure , no mention of the film title , no nod to bond at all .
Anyone who says Daniel Craig doesn't make a good bond never read the books.
I would also venture to say that those that feel that way aren't Bond fans, but fans of the Bond portrayed in the past Bond movies.
Ian Flemings novels were grittier and rougher than the films, and only with the Daniel Craig era are we seeing anything approaching the darkness felt in the novels.
when i think of integrity, a lot of positive connotations come to mind.
i think of individuals grounded in principles, who do not operate on opinions that change based on the breeze of political or social change.
a life that is directed by a code of morality, not on capricious emotions.
Many JWs I know have a measure of integrity.
The organization on the other hand is heartless and has no integrity.
Remember: apostates love individual JWs....we just hate the Watchtower brand.
why do the 144,000 need sealing?.
what does it mean that the angels hold back the winds so that the sealing can take place?.
where is the great multitude?.
the number of pyramids in the world just keep going up and up.
an egyptoligist thinks using satellite scanning technology he has found the remnants of another 17 pyramids in the egypt.
in central and south american they keep finding more pyramids and in java a couple of years ago they surmised that the riuns their was actually a step pyramid possible the oldest in the world.
presidential hopeful ben carson of course.
this isn't another gun control debate, i just thought it might be fun to have a topic where we can dump all the hysterical quotes from the candidates.. it's a deep and plentiful mine folks!
in this video the popular saudi cleric sheik yahya al-jana discusses the joys of paradise, saying that men will have the strength of a hundred men in paradise and will be busy tearing hymens, while the virgins of paradise, whose breasts are like pomegranates, become virgins every time again.. the cleric also explains it is mostly men who enter paradise noting that women in general are bad because they refuse to wear the veil, they wear tight clothes in shopping malls, put on perfume and jewelry, and use filthy social media platforms.
source.... this is what young men from conservative muslim families are raised on.
is it any wonder islamic countries treat women appallingly?.
I may be drunk. So.
Take what I said with a grain of salt