Does it matter WHERE? The important fact is that the Watchtower is giving elders instructions to destroy evidence. No matter where it is taking place, the Watchtower is still trying to cover-up child abuse and save their butts in court, Period!
I'm pretty sure they're required to destroy these notes by the Data Protection Act. Child Abuse evidence is handled with the blue envelopes and is exempt from these rules, if I recall from another thread.
Let's not over-sensationalize things for the sake of controversy. There is plenty of other evidence that the society tries to cover things up. At worst, this document is a thin thread of evidence of ill intent and lurkers may see this and ignore the rest of the evidence because of the overreaction on our part.
Lets deal with hard, tangible the ARC evidence. It's a waste of time to blow this document out of proportion when the support for it having anything to do with child abuse is tenuous.