We have in the US a very politically influential fundamentalist Christian movement which wants to revive the Biblical past.
And their power is lessening day by day, according to the latest polls.
And, I don't care what you might say, I have yet to hear of a Christian group of any significant influence come out and say they are "into executing/imprisoning gays..."
First, in the past, official Christianity (to define a difference between the elites and the masses) acted on occasion in a way far worse than Islam today. Just a few instances for now - The European invasion of South America - from Columbus on, all in the name of Jesus. The spiritual terrorists of England (Protestant and Catholic) who, when the had the chance, burnt them to death. The Spanish inquisition, which refined torture to an art form. And the 100 years war and the thirty years wars of Europe which devastated Europe - both religious in foundation.
Again, I say it's not about what was done hundreds of years ago, it's about what is being done right now. Islam is a "clear and present danger" to the world.