Little known fact that I just found out a few weeks ago. In the British Virgin Islands, drinking and driving is not against the law.
That blew my mind.
with the christmas almost upon us i would like to share a personal experience with you about drinking and driving.. as you may know the local police are having a serious go at drink drivers this year... well, a couple of days ago i was out for an evening with friends and had a small number of drinks before dinner, followed by some rather nice red wine.
feeling jolly i still had the sense to know that i may be very slightly over the limit.. that's when i did something that i've never done before - i took a taxi home.. sure enough on the way home there was a police road check, but since it was a taxi they waved it past.
i arrived home safely without incident.. this was a real surprise as i had never driven a taxi before, i don't know where i got it and now that it's in my garage i don't know what to do with it.. any ideas?.
Little known fact that I just found out a few weeks ago. In the British Virgin Islands, drinking and driving is not against the law.
That blew my mind.
You really need to check to see if your still under the spell of black and white thinking unfortunately!
Isn't "black and white thinking" why people are so upset with "he who shall not be named" to begin with?
the girl next door: I wish I could upvote your comment more than once.
i am sure you all remember leolaia from this board.
we used to call her leo for short.
she wrote to me requesting the 2010 or revised 2012 elder manual in swedish language.
Sorry, but those books are copyrighted.
And as we know, copyright is to be taken SUPER SERIOUSLY. ;-P
the copyright owner has posted a message on the internet, and can be found below!.
ray franz.
I'll continue to remove such comments.
Fair enough. It is your site, after all. (Appreciate it, by the way.)
But it would have been nice to have some kind of warning either prior to or while you deleted the comments. It riles people up when they think they've done nothing wrong and they get silenced.
However, that's just my personal preference and you have every right to delete anything on your own site without notice.
i'm a naughty girl, i love it, it makes me laugh & i love to laugh.
life is so serious, not enough smiles i think.
my husband got me a new toy, it's the fart gun from despicable me.
Sex shops are awkward but fun. Wife and I have been many times, even before we woke up.
Online shops are cheaper though.
i read crisis on the conscience and i am about to start, "who wrote the bible?
does anyone have a list or great books to read for anyone searching for the real truth?
i've only ever seen the world through a jw lens and i am excited to see what other view points are out there!
In the video you linked Harris says he does not advocate a first strike. In that extract he did.
Nowhere in that quote is he advocating for a first strike. Look up the definition of advocating.
if we could get this letter translated we would appreciate it.
we will then send the translation back to barbara anderson.. .
What really bothered me was the expression "unconditional support" when referring to supporting the org.
I've never heard that expression in English, at least in writing. Usually they say something like "continued support" or something along those lines.
Am I wrong? Did I translate it wrong?
if we could get this letter translated we would appreciate it.
we will then send the translation back to barbara anderson.. .
However, can you rephrase " you are going to great effort...". Perhaps: "you are going to great lengths..." or "you are making great efforts..."
if we could get this letter translated we would appreciate it.
we will then send the translation back to barbara anderson.. .
Here you go: (Disclaimer: Spanish isn't my native language.)
Regarding: Video equipment in Kingdom Halls
Dear brothers:
We are pleased to write you concerning the installation of video equipment in Kingdom Halls.
As you know, for approximately one year we have been working to have the majority of Kingdom Halls get two TV monitors and, in some cases, only one, depending on the size of the hall. We are sure that all appreciate this provision allowing us to enjoy the audio/video programming Jehovah’s Organization is using today.
The cost of the installation of all this video equipment is defrayed thanks to the donations of the worldwide brotherhood to the program Worldwide Construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. However, in view of the urgent need to accelerate the construction of worthy places of worship locally and worldwide, the Governing Body has asked for your kind cooperation to reimburse the organization for the cost of this equipment. (2 Corinthians 9:7) The suggested contribution is 6.50 euros per publisher.
We know you are going to great lengths to generously support the worldwide work and the construction of Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls. You deserve commendation for the spirit you show. You can be sure that the Governing Body appreciates the additional effort you will put forth to reimburse the cost of the video equipment. This will allow “by means of an equalizing, your surplus at the present time might offset [the need of others]”, and continue the construction of theocratic facilities where needed. (2 Corinthians 8:14). Thank you very much for your generosity.
We pray that Jehovah continues to bless your hard work and unconditional support of Kingdom Interests. (Proverbs 10:22). Be assured of our warm Christian love,
Your Brothers,
Greedy A-holes of Jehovah
(Well, maybe that last line got lost in translation. lol)