Mark: Why are you so angry? Where is the love you're supposed to be displaying as a true Christian? Oh, you're imperfect?
Imperfection is a convenient excuse for people who do not want to be responsible for their own actions.
I and my family are moral. We aren't moral to please a God or to go to heaven or to make it to paradise. We don't need a reward or fear to be moral people. We are moral people because it's the right thing to do and it's what we WANT to do. My reward is seeing how my kindness and goodness rubs off on others.
If your God wants to destroy us for being good, clean and moral individuals, I don't want to worship your God. Jehovah, the killer of infants, oppressor of women, the worst war criminal and human rights violator in history, isn't going to get one more second of my worship or time.