No problem using this.
All in all, I really liked Brother Swingle.
But that talk affected me. At the time I nodded my head in agreement. But later, after waking up I remembered it and it affected me deeply.
yesterday i read something that hurt my heart.
at a talk given by a brother lyman swingle ( i apologize if i am stepping out of line by using this) he said "that if you leave the jw ( i find it difficult to refer to it as the truth now days) you may as well go jump off a bridge".
this i think is disgraceful talk to say to any body let alone an audience in which children are present.
No problem using this.
All in all, I really liked Brother Swingle.
But that talk affected me. At the time I nodded my head in agreement. But later, after waking up I remembered it and it affected me deeply.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
insist on violating either one of them and find out.
Man made laws are easily violated and many violations of man made laws go unpunished.
Try violating the law of gravity. Hint: you can't!
the warwick gallery #1 and gallery #2 are still up.. i have #3 backed up:
also pulled: .
wallkill photo gallery 2.
Just trying to lighten the mood.
Feminazi's moods can't be lightened.
i don't know if this is already posted so sorry people if it is.
cedars site has had a request to take down the leaked letter regarding changes to the theocratic ministry school and other issues.. the reason given by wt is that it is a "copyright" issue.
of course this validates the letters authenticity even more.. have a good day or night people.
i don't know if this is already posted so sorry people if it is.
cedars site has had a request to take down the leaked letter regarding changes to the theocratic ministry school and other issues.. the reason given by wt is that it is a "copyright" issue.
of course this validates the letters authenticity even more.. have a good day or night people.
Cedars should have issued a counter notification. By taking his letter off his site he is simply encouraging the Watchtower to keep issuing those complaints in the future.
Cedars addressed why he didn't issue the counter notification.
got a call from a relative that i should go to the meeting this sunday because something major to be announced.
(they were told it has to do with branches closing down, missionaries being sent home, etc).
i said it's probably money.
The letter was leaked here.
Agents of Satan!
This guy needs to find out where this C.O. is going to next and record the talk.
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
I really liked idea for the date being 6/07.
But I'm biased, since that was one of the major reasons for my awakening.
i have put up previous posts about this in the past, but i just thought that it was worth mentioning again.
it has to be of concern to them with how quickly information is getting leaked.
hell it even surprises at just how slowly information spreads by offical means.
What things that have been leaked have been financially damaging to the watchtower business?
Excellent question. I would say zero.
many people think that wt is a publishing company and at one time that was true.
however, they are slowly fading that out into more digital publications.
we all have come to the conclusion that printed material from the wt is going way of the dinosaur.
How do they make money off it? I'm guessing there's no outside advertising doing commercials and such...
Running your own video production company is much MUCH cheaper than running your own printing presses.
The equipment is expensive. But not as expensive as an offset press, I'd imagine.
So, for them to transition from print (which they weren't charging for) to video, it would be a wise move, financially speaking.