And, to be fair, he may get some training in something useful for his CV.
A 19 year old "new boy" is gonna learn how to efficiently clean toilets and bonnet buff carpets. That's about it.
i know quite a few youths (late teens to early twenties) who have the goal of full time service, as bethelites or international construction, so they're doing the required slog of pioneering in order to achieve this goal.
this is a goal which has been excitedly set out for them the last few years or so at assemblies etc.
now they see the cuts, surely they are going to be discouraged and disillusioned.
And, to be fair, he may get some training in something useful for his CV.
A 19 year old "new boy" is gonna learn how to efficiently clean toilets and bonnet buff carpets. That's about it.
just skimmed the new october broadcast.
check out losch talking about good works and sacred service.
i was in town centre about an hour ago to buy a shirt and tie for an upcoming job interview when i was stopped by a youngish, clean cut american young man (20-ish) in a cheap suit.
my heart sank as i thought it was local jws.
to my slight relief, it was mormons!
Fisherman: I'm not trying to pick a fight with you or anything, so please don't take this the wrong way. You are a paradox! It's interesting to me that you can easily and intelligently pick out the flawed logic and circular reasoning of Mormons, but completely overlook the flawed and circular reasonings of the JWs.
Calls to mind the showtune from the play Chicago.
"Give 'em the old, razzle dazzle, razzle dazzle 'em."
i am still serving as an elder but just hanging in there.
i think their quandry is that they don't see me out in the field, but when they need encouragement and decent prayer they come to me.. i just got off the phone to this poor sister who i have only met twice.
she is not even in my congregation (her sister is).
Atheist here .... Rock on bro...that was awesome.
first off, i'd like to state that i currently have "privileges" in the congregation and volunteer at bethel on and off throughout the year.
that's as much information as i will currently give about myself.. starting off, i think something big is coming in the form of lawsuits and bad pr.
they seem to be batting down the hatches in preparation for something the last few years and even more so the last few months.
Vid, you are not being fair about this, Look at his posts to me first.
Some famous guy supposedly once said: "Return evil for evil to no one..."
just a total speculative thought i had.
with branches getting cut, special pioneers getting sacked, and bethel members going byebye, is there a need for gilead still?
(co's are probably on the block too lests be honest).. if they got rid of that i feel that would be huge.
SSC: Dude...I love my mechanical mod...I've been chuffing a Coconut/Chocolate juice lately (heavy on the coconut...barely taste the chocolate).
And Laphroaig is the best...specifically the Quartercask. You're making me wish it was 5:00 already!
just a total speculative thought i had.
with branches getting cut, special pioneers getting sacked, and bethel members going byebye, is there a need for gilead still?
(co's are probably on the block too lests be honest).. if they got rid of that i feel that would be huge.
Looking at fukitol's post history, I think he may have been being facetious...he may have just been teasing. ;)
If so, great job trolling FMF, fukitol!
i'm noticing that when i open quite a few of the posts here i notice that the end of the sentences on some lines are breaking improperly.
like for the word paragraph, it's broken up with the "aph" on the next line for an example.
it's happening a lot i'm seeing it just about in every post i open, is it just my view and my computer?.
It has to do with posting long URLs.
so we all know and are seeing that as the org is taking some kind of financial beating it is being interpreted, either by design or not, that armageddon is coming any second now.
well from our vantage point we can see the only end that may be near is for the publishing company itself, wtbts, and not the world.
its sickening to hear loved ones and friends say this, that this means the desert god is coming to wipe out most of humanity.