When we hurt another person, we feel bad. - We shouldn't hurt people.
When we lie to another person, we feel wrong - We Shouldn't Lie.
When we overindulge in mostly anything, we feel bad - We should practice moderation.
When we impose our Beliefs on another person, that person doesn't like being around us - We shouldn't impose our view on others.
All that we need to know, we already know.. We just need to Slow Down, and quiet our minds.
Who is "we"? I know people that hurt other people and don't feel bad. I know people that lie to other people and don't feel bad. I know people that overindulge in things and don't give a flying f*ck. I know people that impose their beliefs on other people, and some of those other people let it happen and enjoy it. I know people that need to know more than what they already know.
So again, I ask, who is this "we" you're talking about? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?