Jeezzz, these guys piss me off.
I just love it that most of the time, the propaganda machine says..."Don't question the FDS and their pronouncements. If you are, you are working against god." Yet out of the other side of their mouths they specificly state that they are NOT claiming to be inspired or the direct mouthpiece of god, or even prophets. If things go in the crapper and innocents suffer....well then it's all "We are all imperfect."
My wife tries to use that argument on me to get me to go back. "Well, can't you forgive mistakes?" Sure, I can forgive mistakes, if they are owned up to and admitted. These men claim to be spokesmen of god. Well, I have news for you...If they are putting themselves in that postion, then unfair or not, they should be held to a higher level of accountability. As an individual, I have to admit my mistakes and take the lumps that my mistakes may cause. Why should an organization that is messing with peoples minds and hearts be above this?
Sorry...I just ain't buyin'.