nowadays, anyone, even your pharmacy tech, is bound by the new HIPPA laws to confidentiality. The hospital can't even put your name on the outside of the door anymore, let alone have a wipe board in view of the public with patient info on it.
nowadays, anyone, even your pharmacy tech, is bound by the new HIPPA laws to confidentiality. The hospital can't even put your name on the outside of the door anymore, let alone have a wipe board in view of the public with patient info on it.
okay... i may act like a hick from a small-town... but... i'm curious about something.. what is the 'proper' amount that one is supposed to 'tip' the gal at the salon.
the one whut cuts the hair.. i've never really had a good idea... and i know that i look like a dufus... fumbling and mumbling... as i hand a dollar or two to the gal.. now... if i'm supposed to be giving something like $5.00... forget it!
i usually hand over 1 or 2 dollars - depending on how well i feel that they did.
when i was 14 or so...i had a hairdresser w/ a fine rack. She not only stuck them in my ear, she seems to always have her crotch pressed into my forearm and on my hand. I sometimes pressed back a bit. Then, it was off to the house to flog the dolphin. Sheesh, she was awesome fantasy material. Good thing the "youth book" told me about fantasizing while you jerk off. I thought it was great just for the feeling, this whole fantasy thing made it even better!
we are asking our tenants to leave as of september and they are friends of ours.. .
my hubby had a conversation with the male tenant and told him yesterday (without his wife around) that they are going to have to be out by september as this situation is not working for them, us and most importantly our kids (i have 2 kids that have as and stress is not a good thing for them to go through).
he was kind of shocked but was understanding of why this was neccessary.
I just went through a similar situation. You simply have to make up your mind, set a date and stick to it. If she gives you any sh*t, tell her she can get her stuff right then, if she pleases. Give them a date, stick to it. If she whines or tries to force you into extending your deadline, don't be afraid to tell her...either you get your stuff out, or I'm callin' the Salvation Army thrift people to come get it. Or let her know you have no problem getting an eviction order if necessary, but you'd rather do it civily. Who cares where they aren't their mom and dad. I think the hubby needs to grow a set. That's his first issue. He's like what I was when I was married to my first wife. She'd kick me around....well, the one thing I got back in the divorce were my cajones...from the mason jar under the sink, where she kept them...LOL
I hate stories of women like that. They are so much like my ex. He has to realize that living like that is a choice and he doesn't HAVE to do it.
JMO, of course...
aluminum foil causes alzheimers
these guys could be spokespeople for the Bush administration. They ignore hard scientific data too. LOL
I remember a talk at a DC some time ago that state if a JW nurse or doc knows of someone participating, as patient or as a health care professional, they are supposed to even rat these ones out. There was even a demonstration of a sister who was a supposed medical records handler being presented with the moral quandry between violating a patient's privacy and preserving the integrity of the congregation. The outcome was she was to confront the sister (who in the demonstration was seeking an abortion) and give her the ultimatum of going to the elders herself or if she didn't (insert time limit) then SHE would. Pretty screwed up, huh?
Sure, break the laws...get your ass your employer up for liability....It's all just theocratic warfare.
okay... i may act like a hick from a small-town... but... i'm curious about something.. what is the 'proper' amount that one is supposed to 'tip' the gal at the salon.
the one whut cuts the hair.. i've never really had a good idea... and i know that i look like a dufus... fumbling and mumbling... as i hand a dollar or two to the gal.. now... if i'm supposed to be giving something like $5.00... forget it!
i usually hand over 1 or 2 dollars - depending on how well i feel that they did.
I usually tip a couple of bucks. I've been going to an old fashioned barber for the last 5 1/2 years. He's the only one who cuts my hair to my satisfaction. I also give him a $25 christmas bonus. Even my JW wife gave a bonus to our housekeeper at christmas last year.
Of course, I live in a smallish town, and I feel it's simply good business. He is also the only guy to cut my grandson's hair. This weekend, we're going to get haircuts. He's getting his first haircut that's "like paw-paw's". I have a short cut millitary style flat now he'll have one too.
He may be an illiterate chimp, but I don't think he'd qualify as the Anti-Christ....that's Ann Coulter.
i would give anything if we could have been a stop on your adventure, if for any reason you have a change of plans before you head home, please stop by tennessee for a visit, and i can show you the pics and video from the dallas apostafest.. .
Hey, dude...
I don't visit and read posts here all that much. I just noticed you are from TN. Where are you at in TN? I live near Nashville, but travel all over the eastern 1/2.
i would give anything if we could have been a stop on your adventure, if for any reason you have a change of plans before you head home, please stop by tennessee for a visit, and i can show you the pics and video from the dallas apostafest.. .
Hey, dude...
I don't visit and read posts here all that much. I just noticed you are from TN. Where are you at in TN? I live near Nashville, but travel all over the eastern 1/2.
it was fathers day yesterday...i had an awesome day with my daughter and non jw xlaws.
i had an awesome time.
it is why it is so hard to accept that my own father would never want me to recognize him on just one day of the year.
Dear old dad it's father's day
and I just want you to know
you're the best there ever was
at the things I'll list below:
Stinking up a bathroom
Snoring like a beast
Teaching me to mow the lawn
before I had front teeth.
Showing how to hide your feelings
Over-emphasizing winning
Teaching me the birds and bees
at a Cub game between innings.
Turning off our cartoons for
news and "Meet The Press".
Picking a vacation spot
where clowns could get depressed.
Never taking out the dog.
Forgetting my friends names
Picking at your nose while coaching
all my baseball games.
I guess as I grow older,
I'm supposed to get like you,
and in some ways I must admit
I think that this is true.
When I yell my veins pop out
I've yet to touch a broom
I chuckle in my Lazy Boy
when gas clears out a room.
But one thing you won't catch me do
as long as I can breathe...
That's wearing shorts around the yard
with dress-socks to my knee.
Happy father's day!