I voted about 3 weeks ago...absentee. I ended up voting a straight democratic ticket...not because I'm so enamored of democrats in general...but other than Bush & Kerry...I had an opportunity to meet and speak with IN PERSON all of the other state and US house candidates. I based my choices on that. There's just something about meeting someone, looking in their eye and shaking their hand. I feel good about all of my choices of candidates. At first, I was voting for Kerry because he's not G.W....then I started really looking at his senate record on the senate website...rather than any partisan websites. I liked much of what I saw. I then tried to do the same for Mr. Bush from when he was governor of Texas...again from non-partisan sites....but I couldn't find much.
This is my first year to vote. Jeez, I regret being such a do-nothing in the past.