If you consider Book 5, chapter 25 of Clementine Recognition, as a kind of point of view of the Judeo-Christians you will find the words those were assigned to St. Peter:
"Because, therefore, there is in everyone liberty to choose good or evil, he either acquires rewards, or brings destruction on himself. No it is said, God brings to our minds whatever we think. What mean you, O then? You blaspheme. For if he brings all our thoughts into our minds, then it is he that suggests to us thoughts of adultery, and covetousness, and blasphemy, and every kind of effeminacy. Cease, I ask of you, these blasphemies, and understand what is the honour worthy of God."
So here you could see how the blasphemy was understood then, I understand it a in similar way.
Also there you can find the 1st suggestion of old serpent:
"And first of all he suggests to men's thoughts not to hear the words of truth, by which they might put to flight the ignorance of those things which are evils. And this he does, as by the presentation of another knowledge, making a show of that opinion which very many hold, to think that they shall not be held guilty if they have been in ignorance, and that they shall not be called to account for what they have not heard; and thereby he persuades them to turn aside from hearing the word. But I tell you, in opposition to this, that ignorance is in itself a most deadly poison, which is sufficient to ruin the soul without any aid from without. And therefore there is no one who is ignorant who shall escape through his ignorance, bill it is certain that he shall perish. For the power of sin naturally destroys the sinner. But since the judgment shall be according to reason, the cause and origin of ignorance shall be enquired into, as well as of every sin. For he who is unwilling to know how he may attain to life, and prefers to be in ignorance in case he thereby be made guilty, from this very fact is judged as if he knew and had knowledge. For he knew what it was that he was unwilling to hear; and the cunning obtained by the artifice of the serpent will avail him nothing for an excuse, for he will have to do with him to whom the heart is open. But that you may know that ignorance of itself brings destruction, I assure you that when the soul departs from the body, if it leave it in ignorance of him by whom it was created, and from whom in this world it obtained all things that were necessary for its uses, it is driven forth from the light of his kingdom as ungrateful and unfaithful."
And this is how I receive Pauls teaching about the laws.
I assume God is consistent, the same is with Jesus. So when I search, I try to find consistency in the teachings, I couldn't find such with Paul's teachings and the rest of the sources. Of course I know how people are reading them, but it doesn't convince me, as the result is the same - we are lawless.
But, I could find such consistence in the sources those were as Judeo-Christians.
Just to explain you what I mean as the "consistency" - see the example - like the:
"If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn your other cheek to him as well" - so you can receive it as to be just a victim.
But if you read carefully Jesus during the arrest asked why he was slapped, so kind of resistance, so there is no consistency in the teaching or.. there is some different truth.
Here probably everyone knows - slapping in the right cheek was assigned to the slaves, slapping to the left cheek was assigned to the equal people - a culture factor.
So the teaching is consistent, but to read it you need to know the culture from those years, if you know it, you will see the reasons why Jesus behaved that way, and it's not something strange or so.
Similar like with "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit"
it's strange but if you go into the aramaic it looks different:
You can read it as "The Spirit breathes where He will, and you hear His voice, but you do not know from where He comes and where He goes; thus is everyone who is born from The Spirit"
I cannot see such consistency in Paul's statements. Even if you link the past to the future:
There is prophecy - Isaiah 56 that says the foreign nations that wants to join God's nation, they should follow the Law, and Sabbaths, and Paul says otherwise... so either Paul is wrong, or prophecy is wrong.
But Isaiah was confirmed by Jesus, moreover the same claiming was from Judeo-Christians, that people should follow the Law.
Revelation of John says about the people who are following laws etc.
If you add all the other points I mentioned, you will find something is wrong with Paul, including his prophecies, like it was mentioned.
You called me as an idiot, and anti-semitic. My family risked their life to protect Jews like you during the 2nd ww and is on the list righteous among the nations.
I may not agree with your beliefs, I mean I believe Jews refused their Messiah, but you also are thinking that believer in Jesus is wrong as it's your faith.
But, probably if you would be in the troubles like it happened during the 2nd ww, I would be one of a small amount of people you could count on, the idiot and anti-semitic like you said.
Returning to the subject, you mentioned Paul said Jews will be in Heaven, please see how the early judeo-christians teachings are about the Jews:
69. James proves Jesus as the Christ, and calls the Jews to baptism
"To him our James began to show, that whatever things the prophets say they have taken from the law, and what they have spoken is in accordance with the law. He also made some statements respecting the books of the Kings in: what way, and when, and by whom they were written, and how they ought to be used. And when he had discussed most fully concerning the law, and had, by a most clear exposition, brought into light whatever things are in it concerning Christ, he showed by most abundant proofs that Jesus is the Christ, and that in him are fulfilled all the prophecies which related to his humble advent. For he showed that two advents of him are foretold: one in humiliation, which he has accomplished; the other in glory, which is hoped for to be accomplished, when he shall come to give the kingdom to those who believe in him, and who observe all things which he has commanded. And when he had plainly taught the people concerning these things, he added this also: That unless a man be baptised in water, in the name of the threefold blessedness, as the true Prophet taught, he can neither receive remission of sins nor enter into the kingdom of heaven; and he declared that this is the prescription of the unbegotten God. To which he added this also: "Do not think that we speak of two unbegotten Gods, or that one is divided into two, or that the same is made male and female. But we speak of the only-begotten Son of God, not sprung from another source, but ineffably self-originated; and in the same way we speak of the Paraclete. But when he had spoken some things also concerning baptism, through seven successive days he persuaded all the people and the high priest that they should hasten immediately to receive baptism.
So from my point of view - as my faith Jews who are not Christians - may/may not go to Heaven, but I believe in God's justice, maybe it's not that obvious like it's in the early christianity, but based on judgement.
May God bless you all