SoMeTiMeS oNlY wHeN wE vErBaLiSe IdEaS dO wE rEaLiSe ThE fOlLy Of HoLdInG tHeM.
Love how he's going to force them to reveal all "warts and all". As long as it's not your warts eh Lloyd? 😉
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SoMeTiMeS oNlY wHeN wE vErBaLiSe IdEaS dO wE rEaLiSe ThE fOlLy Of HoLdInG tHeM.
Love how he's going to force them to reveal all "warts and all". As long as it's not your warts eh Lloyd? 😉
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Breaking news Lloyd's not satisfied with making fun of people in cults hes now going after any old Bob Joe who has any kind of spiritual beliefs. Or failing that he'll be able to find someone who needs help leaving a different religion. I can see it now.
Paid actor I mean poor stupid religious person: wow thank you so much Lloyd for showing me the error of my ways if only that aweful woman Kim could also see the error of her ways!
Lloyd : never fear poor dumb religious person who I've never met before you will get a discount on my patron and Kim could as well if only she hadn't listened to her morals.
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Calling it right now this will be an ego trip for him and he'll insult and ridicule whoever he interviews. He'll be the smart one.
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Lloyds supporters will say
BuT hE'S hElPeD pEoPlE lEaVe ThE cUlT / uR fOcUsInG oN tHe WrOnG tHiNg TaKiNg DoWn WaTcHtOwEr Is MoRe ImPoRtAnT / uR bEiNg JuSt LiKe ThOsE jWs GoSsIpInG /nObOdIeS pErFeCt.
To that I say.
You can be the most charitable person on the earth maker of the cure for cancer and that means jackshit if you are an absolute asshole in real life and treat those around you like dirt.
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How the fuck can he say he's a CSA advocate and then on a livestream use the same rhetoric that numerous child molesters and rapists use as an excuse???? Wtf?
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You often hear rapists use the same excuse that "I hadn't had sex with my wife for years/ect so I'm entitled to hurting someone." Lloyds using the same logic.
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Holding someone accountable and confronting them on their problematic behaviour is the one thing all narcissists fear. : /
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I had no idea that he planned to make a second edition of his crappy book
Perhaps the elders confronted him on something that he didn't want anyone to know about.... 👀
And like someone said can you imagine how dramatic his hearing would be if he'd recorded it? That would be the ultimate thing for him. I can just imagine it now.
"and if you go in to the... uh... Click the link Down below you can watch MY meeting with the elders."
An entire video for him to play the victim? And he doesn't record it or play it?
Very sus
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Talking to them is certainly.... An experience.
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Ain't no way.
Pls tell me no one paid for it?