She obviously winds up a few up on here with the comments about her and her parents. Personally I would be more worried about her if she stopped banging on about climate change and started talking about :-
Satan and his demons
Using advanced mathematics to show how 1914 is a pivotal year
Babylon the Great
Why she would refuse a life saving blood transfusion using some obscure passage in the bible
Throw in some homophobia and a talking donkey and you've got yourself a full on nutjob.
And imagine her parents sending her from door to door to talk to random adults about paradise only to intervene when they met a born again christian who wanted to talk about Nicodemus.
The poster who called her an autistic twit, boy would I love to have a video of you back in the day talking about the gentile times or some other shite. Here Greta, this bright spark thinks you're a twit.
Maybe her catchphrase is ringing true on here
You've stolen my childhood, how dare you!