$$$"what Bible you reading? The Bill Bowen version?"
oooh baby, you sure like to throw Bill Bowen's name around alot, you got a "thing" for him or something?$$$
Non got a thing for him alright. But non be too polite to talk such stuff in public.
$$$and what if I do use his version? if it's good enough for YOU to live according to some man's literature, it's good enough for me......$$$
And if we both wrong--we both goin' down. But non don't go by no man's literature. He stick by the bible.
$$$hi non,
i noticed you didn't address the fact that the gov body claims to be the 2 prophets in the 11 chapter of revelation.......WITH NO CREDENTIALS.......KIND OF LIKE KORAH.......HAHAHAHAHA$$$
The governing body got credentials. You just have not recognized, bro.
$$$Non, I have just as much right to declare myself a faithful and discreet slave as the watchtower does.$$$
You can declare it all day long. That don't make it so.
$$$Truthfully, I think I brought it up because the watchtower takes this one scripture in Matthew and because it helps their dogma, applies to it themselves.$$$
You misunderstood the wt application of matthew 24:45. Too proud to admit a mistake?
$$$The scripture is speaking in the singular, but of course that is not good enough for the watchtower. They say that it is really referring to a class.$$$
A class is singular. Classes is plural.
$$$And because that said it, its true, huh?$$$
$$$So that have really twisted the hell out of this scripture and now it applies to a class of people who incude the governing body of jehovah's witnesses.$$$
Omitting the part about "twisting" I think you finally understand the wt understanding of matthew 24:45. Congratulations!