What you all are saying reminds me of points in which Lloyd Evans (a.k.a. John Cedar) brought out in his newest/ latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEDTQX7_D5A&t=6970s
Present and past JDubs have been hoodwinked all along by this group.
i've always been confused as to what the discrepancy is between the phrases "spirit directed/spirit led" and "inspired".
in the february 2017 watchtower study article, paragraph 12 says:.
12 the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
What you all are saying reminds me of points in which Lloyd Evans (a.k.a. John Cedar) brought out in his newest/ latest video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEDTQX7_D5A&t=6970s
Present and past JDubs have been hoodwinked all along by this group.
i have also attended spanish congregations.
this has helped me to understand and respect totally different perspectives and narratives on race.
please be respectful during this discussion.
As a suggestion, the following YouTube videos are from Marcus Vaughn (a.k.a. Wallkill Bethelite), who profiled the issue concerning the BORG and race, particularly with Bethel:
These videos are, imvho, informative as well as eye-openers, when it comes to the way the BORG looks/treats the R&F!
today there was a jesus preaching head case with a bullhorn blaring "save yourself from the fires of hell!
accept jesus.
god loves you!
Yeah, definitely. When I was a preteen, one of my cousins, another sister and myself (same age group) knocked on a door. A female householder opened it and after giving her the beginning of our presentation, she stated that she did not want to hear anything JWs have to say due to a number of doctrines and issues (which she enumerated, i.e., the blood ban, holidays, birthdays, armed forces participation, various hobbies and college/higher education--all of these particularly). I could tell that my cousin and the other sister were bristling up because they thereafter responded: "Well, what we believe is Bible based. So, you should stop and listen to what JWs have to say. By your not listening to us is going to affect your life and your future, Miss!". The woman then told us that she didn't want to hear anymore that we had to say; and if she hears us ringing or knocking on her door again, she will call the police. Unfortunately, the other sister yelled out: "That won't do you any good! We have a Constitutional right to preach to anyone and everyone!". The lady thereafter commented: "Well, since you feel that way, I have a Constitutional right to get my gat (gun/pistol) to enforce what I have said to you three, since you have a problem with listening to me!". She left her door open and walked to the back of her apartment. Since this was the situation, we ran away from her door and into the nearby stairwell (this was a 10-story apartment building) and out of the complex into the street to the nearby corner and waited for the brother leading the four field service groups.
Long story short=> The BORG has really influenced and indoctrinated many Dubs to show arrogance (the phrase that pays) and haughtiness when speaking to people about God and His Word. Many of the R&F have been also placed in the line of fire [literally (i.e., guns, vicious dogs and other weapons of minor destruction, etc.)] to spread these lies and untruths.
trying not to type swearwords as i write this so bare with me.. my little 3yo attends meetings with her jw mum (who doesn't believe watchtower anymore but is stuck in because she relies on her family for help).
my mum (the one who tells people im dead) had a party for her grandchildren.
that's my 4 nieces and 1 nephew aged from 3yo-11yo.
As I commented in previous other threads: the JWs are arrogant and mean-spirited because of the GB and their helpers who are no doubt arrogant and mean-spirited!
I bet they all would not try this %$@# on non-Jdubs; they will be recipients of ass-whuppin's, etc. Most Dubs (with "privileges") are cowardice: they would bully certain sisters and children, but it came to defending themselves from real men, women and children, they end up running away--with their tails between their legs!
PE, your precious little girl is an innocent in all of this. But for all it's worth, she will not have to become one of them from this unnecessary horrid experience. I commend you for being a good father to you; and you have all of the forum's support in this regard.
ah yes the convention is approaching.
wife is squirreled away with her wt books, her laptop and the tablet thing ..even at meals.. conversation is a word or two and not often.
spoken to.. doesn't answer.. and on return it will be grumps on for at least a week.. anyone else know this phenomenon?.
@Are you serious=> What you commented is true about the credit cards used to give donations. Assembly Halls in Brooklyn, Long Island City and at the Stanley Theater in New Jersey have a couple of specialized machines (ATM-ish) located in the lobbies, which take these for donations. What will the BORG think of next!
i want something different on my next pizza!.
Definitely spinach, green peppers, mushrooms, and plenty of cheese. In fact, in a Chicago-style deep dish. Yum!
please watch this youtube video and see what i mean:.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ossdewxvfu0 .
i have also attended spanish congregations.
this has helped me to understand and respect totally different perspectives and narratives on race.
please be respectful during this discussion.
WT's WHQ (especially in Wawick, NY) is still presently teeming with a great amount/number of Caucasian brothers and sisters. During a very recent tour there, I noticed approximately 6 African-Americans, 3 Latinx and 2 East Asians; everyone else who was identified as part of the Bethel Family was white.
It seems like no matter whatever the amount of R&FOC (which is a big amount) in the BORG, the GB still has their personal picks of who works within and alongside them at WHQ.
regarding the recent 1975 video at the convention it hit me !.
when reasoning with people about the inspiration of the bible we used the bible writers candor ie/ there honesty when recording bible accounts about there personal mistakes .. how come the governing body despite its claims to be spirit directed are not honest about there mistakes ?.
Arrogance + face saving = PRIDE has a great deal to do with them or anyone being dishonest.
They know that if they were to admit their mistakes what the results/fall-out would be. You can tell, especially from the way T. Morris speaks (his talk about tight pants and brothers if they are not MSs by age 23, they are not be marriage candidates, which is really ridiculous. He has so much vehemence for people that he made a comment about once he ends his earthly course and ascends to heaven that he will join Jesus in killing all billions who do not worship Jehovah. The child abuse cases, shunning and the blood ban are decisions--personal and not scriptural--of their own making. They are using all of these personal mandates to have complete control in their quest for power over millions of people.
They don't have an honest bone in their bodies!
yes folks.
over the past few days i can honestly say the convention was relatively quite good.
most of the talks, videos, symposiums were in line with scripture if you have faith in the bible.
Makes one wonder if some of the faketakers are either delusional partakers or folks who partook due to how it is done/conducted (i.e., communion, etc.) in other Christian religions. Plus, J-Dubs are infallible and can/do make mistakes in their accounting. Nobody's prefekt!