Sunpar's Words - May 21, 2006
The bible is just a book of clues to jog your memory in the age of DNA activation (the cellular remembrance of who you are). Clues are just that, clues. They have only meaning for the individual. I could share the insights of have gleaned from the clues but they would make no sense to anyone but me - for I have sought understanding from within and my within is uniquely individual to me.
If I am the god of myself.... then I understand the statement or clue "put no other gods before me." How can you put a god before you that is you. It's fairly simple if you but open your eyes to see.
The church (drug-lord) does not want their users to become "drug free." If they become "drug free (religion free)", they will then begin to think on their own. Drug lord says, "CAN'T HAVE THAT! HERE, HAVE ANOTHER HIT!" And another Sunday comes and goes.
Love yourself enough to ask questions. If you do not know history, it is fated to repeat. It's up to you: do not ask questions and be subject to fate or do you ask questions and evolve with change. The latter is your free will to do so, might I even say, your divine free will to do so.
© Sunpar 5-21-06 (AKA TuningFork)