Every year the convention is almost exactly the same. A litany of nonmemorable 10-minute talks on endless "Symposia" that have very little to do with Christian living, canned (and overblown/made-up) experiences & interviews, unrealistic demonstrations and "monologues", and somewhere along the line of 50 "talks" that are nearly word-for-word manuscripts sent down from the home office.
It would be bad enough if people had to sit in semi-comfortable Kingdom Hall chairs to endure all of this, but most JW's have to sit in hard plastic-backed, no-legroom sports arenas for 3 days. If they are unfortunate enough to have to visit the restroom during this event, it will stink of sewage gas & farts, because these venues are not designed to be used/abused nonstop for 3 days.
Any family of 4 that shows up to this event on Sunday morning any time after 8:30 am will find ALL the seats reserved with tracts, handbills, & magazines, many of which will go empty. That's the great love these people show.
The "speakers" rarely have more than a high school education (most act as if they have less) and earn their way onto that stage by smooching rear ends of higher-ups & CO's, creatively counting time in the "pioneer" work, and doing a good job of hiding their faults from others in the organization.
Attendees will be staying at low-end roadside motels, where the continental breakfast will be slammed at 7:00 sharp every morning. There will be no place to sit & eat said breakfast. The hotel pool will be slammed every evening from 6 - 10 pm each evening by bad-behaved JW children and their thoughtless parents.
Perhaps they should include some of these details on their 2016 "convention" invitation?