Christianity is more about existentialism and more about the celebration of life. Sure - short life span and there is more. When it comes. It is not on the calendar for Feb 1st 2016. It is not on any calendar.
the Adventists and Arianists are focused on hurry up hurry up - Armageddon - can't wait. Hurry. Hurry.
Religion is asserting we know things that we do not.
Yes. But science is asserting we know things that we do not. And then we set out to prove it to the best of our evolving abilities. Both require a certain amount of "faith" - or theory No one in science just ambles around aimlessly. Religion is a science, a faith, we are just far from proving it, to our satisfaction, either way. We don't have the definitions yet or the words. We'll get there. I just hope that people are not disappointed by the answers. What if humans reach a point to control weather, terraform a planet, genetically manipulate the indigenous animals - does that make us God? - or do we finally solve religious questions? Not that far off.