i think due to the great loss of family, friends, children, home, etc, upon leaving the jw's, i dont seek many friendships, as i think the fear of the pain of loss again would be far too much for me.
btw, vancouver here, which part of canada are you settled in?
this is totally non-jw related, but i have a close friend who is in turmoil at the moment and there are lots of great people here who are good with advice so any help would be appreciated.
my friend, who ill refer to as katie has just found out some shocking info about her past.
katies mum has been an alcoholic for about 15 years.
my 4500 kilometer trek came to an end last night in victoria.. the move went well, as one would expect when one lives out of a suitcase and duffel bag in a 7x13' room.... hope to see the vast majority of you come visit at one time or another.... i have to save vancouver island, and time is running out.. tata.
today i was sitting in the waiting room to get a check up and the other lady in there is sitting with a bound volume on her lap, studying her km, and she had a lil bible with her.
i think it was in french, not sure i didn't speak to her because i didn't want to affect her blood pressure .
i just felt so sad seeing her sitting there, racing, and instead of being able to relax a bit in the office, she had to sit and study, it kind of made me sick in the stomach thinking about all that running around we had to do.