that’s what most people are led to think.....unfortunately.
I would like to be a little fly on them walls 🤔
recently a friend and i were having a conversation about the news media.
he is a democrat but he’s also a very reasonable person.
i’ve known him for many years.
that’s what most people are led to think.....unfortunately.
I would like to be a little fly on them walls 🤔
what would it be?.
mine would be "rocket man" by elton john.
I want to be free from Queen.
i'm very worried.
i just took out two slices of dave's killer bread out of the bag this morning, to make some toast.
i bought the bread almost 2 weeks ago.
I know what you could do... buy a bread machine and get baking!
Fresh bread every day, yum!!!!
That way you’ll always know what’s in your daily bread. 🙂
this just breaks my heart.
one of my favorite actors.
i wonder why he went back..
recently a friend and i were having a conversation about the news media.
he is a democrat but he’s also a very reasonable person.
i’ve known him for many years.
I definitely agree with Simon on this one.
So many times things are just twisted to give us a different perspective of the real reality.
Do you know about the case of the singer Cliff Richard?
Publicised by the BBC and totally wrong, the poor guy had to fight to proof his innocence as he was accused of being a rapist.
In the end after the BBC trashed this man’s name, he took the BBC to court and won... in his interview he said that if he was the common man and not financially secure, that would have been impossible to clear his name as he would’ve be forever branded with something that he really didn’t commit.
So no... I hear the media and then make up my own mind.
In the joke side... maybe Mr Trump is onto something with his “fake news” disposition 😆
domestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!.
you are starting to know me by now as i’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
Thank you nonjwspouse.
Thank you xanthippe 😞
domestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!.
you are starting to know me by now as i’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
Thank you for your responses so far.
physical abuse is not yet presiding in the home, “the odd shoving out of the way”. Who knows if this will become worse in time?
The control is constant belittling, anger rages, ignoring ideas or pleas of help, even in case of illness.
undermining authority within the home. Constant causing excuses to cause unnecessary stress.
Cutting contact with the school by requesting only the abuser will be contacted in case of any school needs. So vital information is not passed on.
keeping the mail box locked and the only person allow to access it.
Control of finances so much that is causing hardship within the family such as feeding the children, but this person will splash on take away foods on itself, while dinner has been made and served for the entire family.
Keeping the home cold in winter so does not pay high electricity bills. ** this really impacts the family***
leaving the home with the kids without informing the wear abouts of the children, sometimes from morning to night.
Etc etc....
Elders have visited this family various times, the result is an improvement of days to go back to the abuse as normal behaviour.
yes the submissive thing is big in this case, “submission and things will change with my actions” (I’ve been told) the victims idea of keeping things quiet....until now hasn’t worked as the other part often mentions...”are you trying to show me how better witness you can be than me?!”
Person involved feels that needs to stay to improve the situation.
So... in light on new details and please no judgment... how can I help?
This person has shorten the relationship with us in fear of being judged.... I’ve been told to hold my tongue and give advice to be a better spouse and witness.
domestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!.
you are starting to know me by now as i’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
Domestic violence in the “tooth”... is this a thing?!
You are starting to know me by now as I’m always full of questions... my clogs are always in motion and never stop... so another question for you to give me some guidance if you can.
Based on pasts experience or cases you might heard of or seen, what advice could you give me in helping someone that is a Jehovah witness, married with another jw but lives a marriage that is plagued by emotional domestic abuse and financial control?
Young children are much involved.
How would you go about trying to open this persons eyes? 👀
thank you in advance for any suggestions.
so i have a question about a not so spoken subject.
so if you feel inappropriate please feel free to ignore me!
has anyone given a thought about what they would like for their funeral one day?.
Thank you for sharing guys great insight. 😊
Diogenisister really funny... thank you for sharing, definitely food for thought 😊😊
so i have a question about a not so spoken subject.
so if you feel inappropriate please feel free to ignore me!
has anyone given a thought about what they would like for their funeral one day?.
Thank you for all of your comments, is good to see things in a different perspective 🙂.
smiddy3 I really like the idea of passing on bits of me to help others in need...after all life is precious... I’m sure I won’t need my organs anymore.
I have also thought give myself away for scientific purposes?! 🤓
but if so no organ donations will be allowed....then whom ever can go down the pub, have a pint and celebrate my life. Sorted.