We all can express ourselves without offending others as long as we are not inciting violence or supporting it, or doing anything that will cause harm to others or breaking the law of the land.
JoinedPosts by Theonlyoneleft
Do You Think People Should Be Scorned For Wearing A Red MAGA Hat?
by minimus indo you support free choice to wear a political hat or article of clothing?
if someone wants to put a bumper sticker on their car in support of a political candidate or party, should they be able to do it without fear of being maligned or abused?
Keep the meeting going! (even if somebody's dying)
by TimeBandit inthis is a true story.
it's about a sister named henriette venema.
she was a very loyal jw.
Came across this post and such sad and horrific stories.
I feel for those that have been in need and didn’t get the unconditional love they deserved.
I’ve never heard of this happening or was even aware that this could happen.
Besides the human nature being dislodged it seems to me that most Jws don’t know how to react to these kind of situations. They like to follow like sheep without questioning even if inside feels wrong.
They seem to be dumbfounded if something out of the ordinary happens.
Most don’t take stand and just follow their usual way of thinking.
I was shocked to read this post, didn’t ever think that in precarious situations of life or death that the experiences mentioned here would be actually the norm.
Why I lost my religion
by Sour Grapes ini was a jw for over 50 years and recently just stopped cold turkey going to the meetings.
years of sitting at the meetings with the boredom, the gloom and doom, repetition of doctrine, the gloom and doom, the fake love, the gloom and doom, the end being so close, do more - do more, just got to be too much for me to stomach.
i stopped praying to god and no longer thank god for the food before i eat.
I was going through some older posts and this one caught my attention.
Sour grapes- this is such a good post that I had to bump it up again.
last week I had to bow my head out of respect in my family home while visiting. Luckily I didn’t stay there, I was smart enough to stay in a hotel.
On the second dinner time around I told them that I wouldn’t do it as I didn’t think was right for me and didn’t believe in any of it.
There was an awkward look around the table, they didn’t say much just ok, but we are going to do it anyway and you don’t need to joint us. 👀👀
I’m tired of having to inflict myself to these silly rules. No more.
Flash mobs
by zeb inhousebound by weather.
been watching flash mobs.
what a wonderful thing they are..
i love it lol. Just to see people’s faces! 😂😂😂😂
Video-Man in Field Service asks to speak to a woman's 15-year old Daughter
by TakeOffTheCrown inhas anyone seen this video of a man out in field service asking a woman if he can speak to her 15 year old daughter by name?
it is rather disturbing.. https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/mom-confronts-stranger-asking-to-see-her-daughter/983338603.
the link takes you directly to the news station.
I think the scariest thing is that witnesses think this is ok and see no problem with it. That a child is safe with them. Hmmm... not true.
If I was in the same situation I also would freak out a little if I knew nothing about the wits.
These parents don’t know the how, when or why, so of course their reaction is normal.
The witness behaviour is not right though... a simple explanation would probably suffice and put everyone at ease.
The fact that that brother didn’t want to explain himself just made the whole thing look weird and with second intentions. And his violent conduct is wrong. BUT GREAT.... in a way... he’s just giving jws a bad name. Lol
I had someone coming in March and leave a leaflet for the memorial... my daughter said I was not home, they asked for me by my name. Then I realised that I must have mentioned in the past. 😒
Darn I thought! I now have a sticker on my door that prevents witnesses even to ring the bell. And it works!!!!
my kids now know better than to open the door too... I’ve warned them not to just in case.
We don’t want to be disturbed with their mambo jumbo
I was surprised today by what I saw a JW driving
by days of future passed ini was out thrift shopping where my sister lives.
before i went in to the store, i went to donut shop a few doors down.
as i walked up, there by the window was a family and others eating donuts.
Lol. Maybe they weren’t witnesses or maybe they were. ☺️
my family only buys old cars falling apart... one reason is to keep low key, the evil eyes of those around them. 😰
The next is because they are so used to live in poverty that is already normal to them. So blooming sad! I think they really enjoy their thriftiness while achieving the essentials of life.
BUT my brother the elder... bought his car from the factory... new to order. Nothing ostentatious but when I asked why.... he simply said that because they were sent to a older members congregation in the middle of nowhere that they had a reliable car to do all the things they needed.
funny but necessary 🤣🤣🤣
Personal story of bethel, sexual abuse and child baptism
by GetMeOutofHere inborn into a strong jw family in the early 80s.
my father died when i was 4 and that left a huge emotional scar on my tender mind.
with my mother, i went to live with family members and was sexually abused between 4 and 10. he was an ms but when elders later found out, all that happened was he got his privileges removed.
GetMeOutOfHere, welcome to the site. You be given the first step.
Im so very sorry in reading your story, it’s awful what you’ve been through in your life.
There’s so much good advice and experiences from so many others here, I hope that those will help you on your journey.
It’s not impossible to leave just hard. Like Bethelite says... you are still young... your whole life awaits for you to live.
I send you much love and positive thoughts. Take care.
Big Meat Eaters?
by peacefulpete ini was wondering how many of us have switched to a vegetarian or vegan diet and why.
i'm not doing it but have friends who do.
lovely people and seem very healthy.
Due to so many things going on with the environment yes we have stopped eating beef and lower pork consumption, Also fish.
we also swapped from white pasta to brown and introduced other things like bulgur wheat... that made with spices herbs is very yummy. Potato consumption changed too... we are now sweet potatoes connoisseurs due to sugar contents of the white potatoes once digested.
I’m a professional baker so I can make most treats and cakes without a problem, we are never short of these lol!
vegetables and pulses were already big on our diets, our meals ALWAYS contain a side salad but our salad portions are now bigger.
we cook from scratch, no take away, once a month if we are lucky, this comes from my parents culture that everything is very fresh and local.
My children don’t really appreciate the frozen food market made meals so phew!... lucky I am that they enjoy variety.
i feel healthier and more content.
Some dishes are now meat free and the kids really enjoy it.
i couldn’t be a total vegetarian 🌱, but we are trying to do the best we can without leaving a big dent in the environment.
we also swapped for hand soap instead of bath and shower gels, we love it and my goodness.... so much more space in the bathroom shelves. Water is carried in refilling water bottles and we no longer buy soda or fizzy drinks. We have a soda stream machine that we enjoy making our own pop.
We make our own washing powder, so easy, and I’m now looking to make my own dishwasher tablets.
I recently learned how to make soap but haven’t put this into action yet.
Next year I want to grow some vegetables in the garden, we used to have an allotment years ago, and really saved us loads. We used to grow crops like onions corn potatoes tomatoes carrots strawberries beans herbs lettuce peppers and many more......then freeze the stock for winter or make jams etc
Every little bit helps to help change the damage that we have caused in the world and I enjoy growing and doing things.
How Affected By Jehovah’s Witness News Are You At This Point In Your Life?
by minimus ini’ve been out for many many years.
i still like to know the latest jw news although i find myself not as excited by things..
I am as my family still follows this mambo jambo.
after a visit and spending time with them I realised that they are quite happy living this way.
I joined this site to hear others stories, to tell mine and to learn a little about things that I never came to understand. It’s part of my past, unfortunately still part of my present.
But it’s slowly becoming irrelevant as I understand that my JWs family are TOTALLY devoted and leaving would leave them adrift in the world, worse off that they are now.
Very happy young drum player
by Sour Grapes inwhen i saw this young boy play the drums i was really impressed by his talent and the joy that he has.
for some strange reason, i thought of how his life would change if his parents studied with the jdubs and became witnesses.
i could see how the boy's life would change.
Oh yes... forgot to say, my nephew plays the guitar, but as he is a young baptised 22 year old he plays strictly healthy songs.
He’s free to play as long he plays these type of songs, it seems to be something he loves as he takes his guitar everywhere playing at gatherings as well as social circles.... JWs off course.
His family enjoys it as well as his friends. He’s really great at it but would never follow that as a career.