here you go. from the Jan 2012 KM. every week in FS i always make a point of saying how useless d2d is of actually meeting anyone, my joke is that i'm going to go on Mastermind with /doors/ as my specialist subject.
this all that i have seen regarding an assignment to neighbourhoods, unless something else is imminent..... ooooooh
Direct Your Blows Wisely
1. First Corinthians 9:26 has what application to the ministry?
1 The apostle Paul wrote: “The way I am running is not uncertainly; the way I am directing my blows is so as not to be striking the air.” (1 Cor. 9:26) Paul was referring to his single-mindedness and sharp focus in pursuing spiritual goals. However, in principle, these words also apply to the ministry.(of course it does ) We want to direct our “blows,” or efforts, wisely so that they will accomplish the most good. How?
2. How can we imitate Paul and other first century evangelizers in selecting when and where to preach?
Go Where the People Are:
2 Paul and other first-century evangelizers preached where they expected people to be. (Acts 5: 42;16:13; 17:176:13; 17:17) So if many in our territory are at home in the evening, this may be the best time to go from house to house. Is the local bus or train station busy in the early mornings and late afternoons when people are going to work or returning home? When are the shopping areas in the territory filled with people? Street witnessing may be most productive during these times.
3. How can we direct our blows wisely in the way we work our territory?
Work the Territory Wisely:
3 Care should also be taken to direct our blows wisely in the way we work our territory. For example, instead of taking a very large group into the same area, where much time and effort will be required to keep the group organized and busy, it may be better to divide the group. Similarly, when working rural territory, we will cover the territory faster and have more opportunities to speak if car groups are not too large. Could we obtain a personal territory near our home, which would reduce the time needed for travel?
4. What will help us to be successful “fishers of men”?
4 Jesus likened evangelizers to “fishers of men.” (Mark 1:17) A fisherman’s objective is not simply to fish but to catch fish. Therefore, successful fishermen go where and when they expect to find fish, and they begin fishing without delay. Yes, they direct their efforts wisely. May we show similar industriousness in our ministry.—Heb. 6:11.