00DAD thanks for posting the link, I have never read that awake article before, that is dynamite. but to a JW it will be everybody but the .org
read this lovely little admission and judge for yourself: .
there is a differencea big differencebetween education and propaganda.
education shows you how to think.
00DAD thanks for posting the link, I have never read that awake article before, that is dynamite. but to a JW it will be everybody but the .org
read this lovely little admission and judge for yourself: .
there is a differencea big differencebetween education and propaganda.
education shows you how to think.
i have mentioned this before but never quoted it so i think for many it was not really paid much attention.
but today i pulled the book off the shelf and found the quote (which i posted on another thread but i want to add a few things to the quotes.. after russell died and rutherford illegally seized the presidency of the wts he was faced with the huge problem that russell's "organization" was a rather loosely organizations that were independently controlled by the local congregations.
the society had little control of what people believed.
great thread Lady Lee, i like the link between Hitler & Rutherfrauds attitude on being in prison, they could have been related.
view of money and pride?.
Mary you nailed it.
we translate into all these languages.
even the ones that may seem small, like the blackfoot native american.
and when we go and take the message to them they just cant believe this is in their mother tongue.
must not forget that we all spoke the same language until they started building the eiffel tower of babel. if jehovah had not done that we would have had nuclear bombs.much.much sooner. its true
found this on youtube.
serve jehovah or DIE. nutshell
today we had a bla bla bla watchtower article: warnings for technology, money and pride.
a repreat of a repreat of a repreat.. but now it comes:.
one of the last summary questions one of the local simple brothers gave the answer that we have to take care for technology.
new light in the brightness & wallpaper settings... haha i really just lol'd in a quiet office.
you can understand the eldrrs reaction if he is getting comments from others just because he uses an ipad. this is probably a long time frustration he has had with dogmatic jws
view of money and pride?.
awesome once again blondie. like the brother who sells material to the RBC? there is a podium and a table that cost over a 1000pounds all part of the RBC remodelling. some brother is getting or has gotten rich of of this.
we translate into all these languages.
even the ones that may seem small, like the blackfoot native american.
and when we go and take the message to them they just cant believe this is in their mother tongue.
its so faith strengthening the nearest we get to the 1billion plus chinese in China is by calling on those who live in the U.S.
"(HOUSEHOLDER IN CHINESE) "WHAT THE HELL YOU DO ON MY PORCH?" "Nehow Sir" grabs the Good News To All Nations book and hands it to the Chinese guy. Next the brother is really keen and goes on JW.ORG™ and PRINTS - What Does The Bible Really Teach, and makes a RV on the chinese guy. This brother is real good, next he fills out a Yellow slip at the KH and takes it to the Multi Language Coordinator.
That's just 1 chinese guy. There is another Billion+ in China, but we wont mention them. they have "Community Responsibility"
we translate into all these languages.
even the ones that may seem small, like the blackfoot native american.
and when we go and take the message to them they just cant believe this is in their mother tongue.
sorry, its a bit messed up. my phone keyboard doesnt like the posting box