What Are Jesus’ “Belongings”?
Jesus’ “belongings” thus include more than just his earthly interests. They include the Messianic Kingdom.
What are his earthly interests?
continue on wt july 2013...a question to all...so, the congregation gets fed spiritual food by the fds (past & now), right?
the great tribulation and beyond.. but the article says, the fds will not come until after the un will attack christendom, jehovah will cut short the attack on false religion; god's people will be saved, then...jesus will judge people of all nations as sheep or goats, then.....jesus will appoint the faithful slave over "all his belongings ....so, have the fds been appointed as of yet & if not who has been given the congregation the spiritual food upto now...i'm confused...no i'm not..i do understand...i think a bunch of guys been feeding us.... i spoke to one of the sisters & she said, that jesus will appoint the slaves & give them additional duties...uh ?
the floor is open...will welcome all thoughts..... legacy.
What Are Jesus’ “Belongings”?
Jesus’ “belongings” thus include more than just his earthly interests. They include the Messianic Kingdom.
What are his earthly interests?
worth a listen on the podcast.
talking on the issues of his life as a jehovah's witness and the child abuse issues.. plus a backlash afterwards by a few jw sympathisers.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ffl21.
to all who are still active...& those who are not...... is everyone ready for wt for sunday....1914....is everyone ready to see the friends faces, that will pretend all is well.
but their minds will be racing.
i started the article...talk about confusing...but maybe on purpose only a few in the hall will be able to break it down.
George you are correct. Thank you for the reminder.
See anyone can play this new light game
worth a listen on the podcast.
talking on the issues of his life as a jehovah's witness and the child abuse issues.. plus a backlash afterwards by a few jw sympathisers.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ffl21.
"We wish them well on their journey." - The official London Bethel PR statement in regards to those who decide to leave.
worth a listen on the podcast.
talking on the issues of his life as a jehovah's witness and the child abuse issues.. plus a backlash afterwards by a few jw sympathisers.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ffl21.
The old lady who likes to celebrate Christmas with her family has been associating with JW's for 20yrs. She is friends with an Elders wife and "they dont ostracise their daughter" she went on to say how they enjoyed a family meal and the grand children said that they love coming to grandma's as she is a good cook. "The old lady asked the Elders wife how she feels about her daughter not being "in the truth" - 20yrs, shes got the lingo- Elders wife replys, "Yes it does but it's her decision, and we always hope one day she will come back".
The old girl doesn't know the difference between a fader and a DF/DA person. Maybe if she got baptised she would find out what ostracism she woud get the following Christmas or family birthday.
to all who are still active...& those who are not...... is everyone ready for wt for sunday....1914....is everyone ready to see the friends faces, that will pretend all is well.
but their minds will be racing.
i started the article...talk about confusing...but maybe on purpose only a few in the hall will be able to break it down.
Mr Fool. Awesome to see false prophecies in black and white. What would be the response today of a JW who was presented with those statements made in the name of God?
to all who are still active...& those who are not...... is everyone ready for wt for sunday....1914....is everyone ready to see the friends faces, that will pretend all is well.
but their minds will be racing.
i started the article...talk about confusing...but maybe on purpose only a few in the hall will be able to break it down.
Sir82 that was so funny. Just to reaffirm the point to Legacy, Nothing has changed about 1914. What they are doing is telling the readers of the changes that they used to believe and then tag on to the end that there has never been a FDS until 2012 and guess what, they are it. But they haven't officially been appointed by Jesus yet but because they are being faithful and discreet NOW then Jesus decision is a formality for the future. Yes thats right they are telling Jesus the master what to do in his own house. If that is how they treat Jesus then I wonder how they are treating their fellow slaves.....
to all who are still active...& those who are not...... is everyone ready for wt for sunday....1914....is everyone ready to see the friends faces, that will pretend all is well.
but their minds will be racing.
i started the article...talk about confusing...but maybe on purpose only a few in the hall will be able to break it down.
What about 1914?
worth a listen on the podcast.
talking on the issues of his life as a jehovah's witness and the child abuse issues.. plus a backlash afterwards by a few jw sympathisers.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ffl21.
Just listened to it. Very few errors I noticed. re.. disfellowshiping. The elders would say after 12mth that we would like to reinstate as the person is attending all the meetings. The person would have to write a letter requesting reinstatement. ????
I thought richard was great. Which one of us is Richard?!!
worth a listen on the podcast.
talking on the issues of his life as a jehovah's witness and the child abuse issues.. plus a backlash afterwards by a few jw sympathisers.. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01ffl21.
If our American friends have not had the pleasure of listening to the angelic tones of the "brummie' accent which is people who live in the West Midlands then head to the start. The word that is repeated after most sentences is 'like' . Lol. Otherwise ex jw Richard is on after the news at 30-33mins.