thanks Doug thats great. very easy to follow.
just one point if i may, whenever i read anything about this subject i seem to always be confused when i see the the date 568. i feel maybe i am not the only one.
568 would be the dating of NebII's 37th year from VAT4956? is this correct?
and from this we count back to his 19th year? this gives the Regnal year of Jerusalem destruction? (as per Jeremiah: "In the 19th year of Neb")
NebII's 37th year (minus) 19th year = 18yrs
so 18yrs before NebII's 37th year = 586.BCE Jerusalem destroyed by NebII's Babylonians.
the Key date really then is 568?
Thanks again for this and the time you have spent putting it all together in such an easy format.